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Public opinion and political culture in Rome - 08-09/09/2016, Sevilla (Spain)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08-09/09/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Cristina Rosillo-López (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)


8th September


Jeff Tatum, Victoria University of Wellington, Canvassing the elite: communicating sound values in the Commentariolum

Cristina Rosillo-López, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, (How) did Romans perceive and measure public opinion? Amy Russell, Durham University, The populus and the public realm in late Republican Rome

11.30-12.00: coffee break


Francisco Pina Polo, Universidad de Zaragoza, Rhetoric of fear in Republican Rome: the Ciceronian case Kit Morell, University of Sydney, ‘Who wants to go to Alexandria?’ Pompey, Ptolemy, and public opinion, 57–56 BC

Raphaëlle Laignoux, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, L’expression publique de l’opinion des gouvernés : légitimation et délégitimation des prétendants au pouvoir pendant les guerres civiles

14.00-16.00: lunch break


Enrique García Riaza, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Announcing Victories in the Roman Republic (III-I BC): Personal Links and Public Opinion

Alejandro Díaz Fernández, Universidad de Málaga, Some cases of scandalous behaviour in provinces and their impact in the Roman public opinion during the Republic

Wolfgang Blösel, Universität Duisburg-Essen, The imperia extraordinaria of the 70s to the 50s B.C. and public opinion

9th September 2016


Kathryn Welch, University of Sydney, Selling Proscription to the Roman Public Clifford Ando, University of Chicago, The space and time of politics in civil war

10.30-11.00: coffee break.


Alexander Yakobson, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Imperial elite, the Republic and the Principate - the strange case of Velleius Paterculus

Frédéric Hurlet, Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie René-Ginouvès, L’opinion publique à Rome à l’épreuve de l’auctoritas du Sénat et du prince. À propos de la notion d’espace public de Jürgen Habermas et de son application à l’Antiquité

Juan Manuel Cortés Copete, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Adriano y la opinión pública

13.30: Conclusions: Martin Jehne, Technische Universität Dresden

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