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Revisiting C. H. Sisson: Modernist, Classicist, Translator - 28-29/04/2017, London (England)

The poetry of C. H. Sisson (1914-2003) continues to fascinate for its stringency, peculiar metrical accent, radical Englishness, religious power and countercultural force. Sisson’s relations to various traditions – including classical literature, literary modernism, and Anglicanism – are fruitfully complex. His translations (‘one of the greatest translators of our times’, according to the classicist Jasper Griffin) are as integral to his own poems as Dryden’s and Pound’s were to theirs. In particular, his versions of Catullus, Lucretius, Horace, Dante, and Racine, taken together with his highly allusive and assimilative original poems, constitute one of the most important bodies of English reception of Greco-Roman antiquity in the twentieth century.

Despite sustained support for his work from major critics including Donald Davie, and an enduring body of readers, there has been no previous event devoted specifically to Sisson’s work. With the recent publication of The C. H. Sisson Reader (2014) and a series of centennial articles in P. N. Review (May-June 2014), the time is ripe for a reassessment of the work of one of modernism’s most distinctive voices.

This symposium will bring together English scholars, classicists, translation scholars, and poets to explore the relations between Sisson’s modernism, translations, and inheritance of the classical tradition.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/04/2017

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: King's College (London, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: King's College, London; Brigham Young University

INFO: call - -



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