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Greek manuscripts in the British Library - 19/09/2016, London (England)

Join us as we celebrate the completion of the third phase of our Greek Manuscripts Digitisation Project and the launch of the Greek Manuscripts Online web resource. The day starts with an academic conference, including invited experts, to discuss a variety of topics related to the Library’s digitised Greek collections, such as Greek-Syriac palimpsests, Byzantine illuminated manuscripts, Greek written culture and the digital humanities and the cultural interactions between Greece and Britain.

The conference is accompanied by an evening with Michael Wood on The Wisdom of the Greeks (you can buy tickets for both the conference and the evening event at a reduced rate). Michael looks at how the legacy of Greece and Byzantium in science, religion and literature was transmitted to the Latin West. He tells fascinating stories about texts and ideas, scribes and scholars and brings them to life in the course of this illustrated talk that includes Anglo-Saxon kings, Crusader knights and Renaissance humanists - and even a well-known Elizabethan dramatist!

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19/09/2016


INFO: web -

-General/full: 18£


-Studiante/student/studente: 15£

-Amigo de la BL/Friend of the BL/amico di BL: 15£

10:00-11:00 Registration and Coffee

11:00-11:30 Welcome and Introduction: Scot McKendrick (British Library)

Session 1 Chair: Peter Toth (British Library)

11:30-12:00 Sebastian Brock (University of Oxford): Greek Undertexts in Syriac Manuscripts from Egypt in the British Library

12:00-12:30 Elizabeth Jeffreys (University of Oxford): A New Planet Swims into our Ken: Editing Greek Texts in the Digital Era

12:30-1:45 Lunch break (sandwich lunch provided)

Session 2 Chair: Antony Eastmond (Courtauld Institute)

1:45-2:15 Georgi Parpulov (Plovdiv, Bulgaria): Illuminated Byzantine Manuscripts - Digitised

2:15-2:45 Maria Georgopoulou (Gennadius Library, Athens): British Collectors of Greek Manuscripts

2:45-3:15 Tea break

Session 3 Chair: André Binggeli (IRHT Paris)

3:15-3:45 Christopher Wright, Philip Taylor and Charalambos Dendrinos (Royal Holloway, University of London): An electronic edition of a post-Byzantine Greek manuscript of the British Library (Royal MS 16 C X)

3:45-4:15 Charlotte Roueche (King’s College London): Linked Data: the Role of Manuscripts

4:15-4:30 Break

4:30-5:15 Discussion on Further Prospects for Digitisation and Cataloguing introduced and moderated by André Binggeli and Charlotte Roueche

5:15-6:15 Reception for conference participants

Public Lecture

6:30-8:00 Michael Wood: The Wisdom of the Greeks

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