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Public statues across Time and Cultures - 28-29/09/2016, Oxford (England)

Throughout history and across cultures people have set up statues in public spaces - to honour rulers, to reward benefactors, to worship gods and goddesses or simply to admire. This conference brings together leading historians, art historians and archaeologists to discuss the role played by public statues in historical cultures ranging from ancient China to modern Turkey, from Palmyra to Georgian England. Key issues to be explored include the ways in which the setting of public statues contributed to their meaning, the ways that audiences responded to public statues and what contemporary discourses reveal about the role of statues in society. Looking at public statues as a widespread historical phenomenon should suggest new perspectives for considering the specific case studies considered and will generate discussion concerning shared problems of evidence and methodology in approaching the subject. The event is open to anybody with an interest in sculpture, public space or comparative history.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/09/2016

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lincoln College (Oxford, England)




Asistencia/attendance/ assistenza: 7.50£ por día/ per day/al giorno.

Comida/lunch/pranzo: 13.50£ por día/ per day/ al giorno


Day one – Wednesday 28th September

10:00 Opening - Dr. Christopher Dickenson (Oxford)

10.30 Dr. Matthew Craske (Oxford Brookes) “The erection of public monuments to historical figures and the politics of nostalgia in early Hanoverian England”

11:30 Tea and coffee

12:00 Prof. Sheila Dillon (Duke University) “Public Sacred Space, Private Portrait Statues: the case of the City Eleusinion in Athens”

13:00 Lunch for speakers and chairs, optional for delegates

14:00 Dr. Peter Dent (University of Bristol) “Looking up in Public: Subordinating the Viewer in the Squares of Medieval and Renaissance Italy”

15:00 Tea and coffee

15:30 Dr. Kathleen Christian (Open University) “‘Statues in Renaissance Rome and the Possesso of Leo X, 1513”

16:30 Prof. Lukas Nickel (University of Vienna): “Public Sculpture in Early Imperial China, 3rd to 2nd century BC”

17:30 Reception

Day Two – Thursday 29th September

9:30 Prof. Rubina Raja (Aarhus University) “Public display of statuary in Palmyra – between tradition and innovation”

10:30 Dr. Paroma Chatterjee (University of Michigan) “Ancient statues as markers of time in the Parastaseis and Theophanes Continuatus”

11:30 Tea and coffee

12:00 Dr. Campbell Price (Manchester Museum) “How accessible was elite temple sculpture in Pharaonic Egypt?”

13:00 Lunch for speakers and chairs, optional for delegates

14: 00 Dr. Stijn Bussels (Leiden University) “Shiver and Admire in the Dutch Golden Age. Artus Quellinus’ Statues in the Amsterdam Tribunal”

15:00 Tea and coffee

15:30 Esra Ozyürek (LSE) “Miniaturizing Ataturk: Transformation of State Imagery and Ideology in Turkey”

16:30 Summing up and general discussion

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