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An Exceptional Construction: The Building of Hadrian’s Wall - 12/11/2016, South Shields (England)

Hadrian’s Wall has been classed amongst the ‘exceptional constructions’ of the Roman world — projects on a scale large enough to demonstrate to their contemporaries mastery of the natural world. Its building programme has always attracted interest, and we know more about the organisation of its construction and its work force than is the case with most of the other great buildings in the ancient world. Of course much remains to be learnt, and this year’s Arbeia Society Conference will present the results of recent research on the order in which the structures were built, some of the reasons for changes in the building programme, and the sources of stone.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12/11/2016




Miembros y descuentos /Society members and concessions/ membri e disconti: £15

No miembros/Non-members/ no membri: £20/

WallQuest participantes/ WallQuestparticipants/ partecipanti WallQuest: £5

Dirección postal /Post/ Indirizzo postale: The Secretary, Arbeia Society, Arbeia Roman Fort, Baring Street, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2BB


10.00 – 10.20 Coffee

10.20 - 10.30: Welcome

10.30 - 11.00: David Breeze: ‘Introduction: the building of Hadrian’s Wall’

11.00 - 11.40: Nick Hodgson: ‘The timetable of building for Hadrian’s Wall’

11.40 - 12.30: Matt Symonds and David Breeze: ‘The building of the milecastles and turrets’ / ‘The building of the forts’

12.30 - 12.45: Update on South Shields excavations (TBC)


14.00 – 14.40: Paul Bidwell: ‘The Narrow Wall and an aqueduct distribution system at Wallsend’

14.40 – 15.20: Peter Hill: ‘Constructing the Wall: confirmation and revision’


15.40 – 16.20: Jon Allison: ‘Stone supply to Hadrian’s Wall: the western sector reappraised’

16.20 – 17.00: Discussion

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