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Nos sumus Romani qui fuimus ante… Memory of ancient Italy - 28-29-20/09, 01/10/2016, Oxford (England

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-20/09, 01/10/2016


INFO: web -



28th SEPTEMBER 17.30 Christopher Smith, The Augustan invention of Italy reconsidered 29TH SEPTEMBER 9.00 Introduction 9.30 Edward Bispham, Regiones Italiae, Regiones Augustae: Italy’s regions between past, present and future MATERIALITY:THE CONTRIBUTION OF PRE-ROMAN PEOPLES TO ROME 10.00 Guy Bradley, Centrifugal and atomising forces amongst the allies in the Social War 10.30 Discussion 11.00 Coffee break 11.30 Federico Santangelo, Patterns of advancement, demotion, and frustration in late Republican Italy 12.00 William Broadhead, New citizens in the late Republican army: from ethnic contingents to the professional legion 12.30 Discussion 13.00 Lunch 14.30 Eugenio Polito, Construction of Italic memories through images and monuments in the late Republic and early Empire 15.00 Rudolf Wachter, The making of Latin in the midst of the other languages of Italy 15.30 Discussion 16.00 Coffee break 16.30 Eric Orlin, Mos et ritus sacrorum: Religion in the construction of Augustan Italy 17.00 Roberto Fiori, Legal history ancient and modern 17.30 Discussion 30TH SEPTEMBER IMMATERIALITY: HOW ROME REMEMBERED AND REPRESENTED PRE-ROMAN PEOPLES 9.30 Bernard Mineo, Représentation des mondes étrusques et italiques chez les historiens romains et grecs (en particulier chez Tite-Live et Denis d'Halicarnasse) 10.00 Sergio Casali, Evander and the invention of Italy’s pre-Roman past in Vergil’s Aeneid. 10.30 Discussion 11.00 Coffee break 11.30 Mathilde Simon-Mahé, Les peuples de l'Italie au miroir de la géographie augustéenne 12.00 Valentina Arena, Varro and Italy 12.30 Discussion 13.00 Lunch 14.30 Gary Farney, Italian identity and the Western provinces in the late Republic and early Empire 15.00 Clément Chillet, La recherche sur le passé : entreprise culturelle ou instrument politique? Du projet augustéen à Caligula 15.30 Discussion 16.00 Coffee break 16.30 Andrew Gallia, Italic heritage and the shifting frontiers of Romanitas, from Claudius to Trajan 17.00 Discussion 1ST OCTOBER 9.30 Mario Torelli, Conclusions Ore 10.30-11.30 – Final round table on the project E pluribus Unum? Italy from the pre-Roman fragmentation to the Augustan unity (2011-2016)

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