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CALL. 28.10.2016: [SESSION 5] 3D Technologies Applied to Music and Sound (session at Computer Applic




INFO: web


This session will discuss the application of new 3D technologies to the study of ancient music and acoustics. From 3D scanning and printing ancient musical instruments to using 3D models of architectural features to digitally map the acoustics of an area, archaeologists can now utilize a range of methodologies that help them to better understand how past cultures exploited sound. Despite the presence of music and the intentional manipulation of sound in nearly all ancient cultures, these topics remain understudied. Ancient music and acoustics are important beyond the scope of academic inquiry; because music appeals to our sense of hearing and to our intuition, the study of music has the potential to increase student and public interest in archaeology and ancient cultures. For example, museums can use playable 3D printed musical instruments to encourage people to learn about and interact with the past in a tactile way. Bringing sound back into the discussion of the past incorporates hearing into a field that typically relies solely upon sight. Engaging multiple senses when learning about ancient cultures helps to recreate the sensorial experience that the individuals living at these sites would have experienced in their lives, which helps to bring the past to life for people today. There are numerous applications for 3D technologies when engaging with a broader audience that have great potential. Equally important is the way in which incorporating sound into virtual reconstructions of ancient spaces can facilitate new scholarly discoveries or help scholars to test the validity of existing theories. This session will focus on new work incorporating sound and music into virtual environments and/or using 3D modeling to physically reproduce ancient instruments.

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