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British Epigraphy Society 20th Autumn Colloquium: Epigraphy in action - 12/11/2016, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12/11/2016


INFO: web


Normal / ordinary / normale: 15 £

Estudiantes / students / studenti: 10 £

Miembro del BES / BES members / membri dil BES: 8 £

Estudiantes miembros del BES / BES students members / studenti membri dil BES: 5 £


10.00-11.00 Registration and Morning Coffee

11.00-12.00 Morning Session I Prof. Robert Parker (Oxford): ‘The bombshell from Marmarini (Kernos 2015): Semitic cults in Hellenistic Thessaly’

12.00-13.00 Morning Session II Prof. Olli Salomies (Helsinki): ‘Local traditions in Latin epigraphy’

13.00 Lunch Break

14.00 AGM (Members only)

14.30 Afternoon Session I Prof. Eleanor Robson (UCL): ‘Epigraphy from the ground to the cloud: digital decipherment of cuneiform tablets in the field’

15.30 Afternoon Tea

16.00 Afternoon Session II Dr Andrew Burnett (London): ‘The Romanisation of Greek coin inscriptions’

16.45 Short Reports

Eleanor Robson (UCL):, the Openly Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus Julien Ogereau (Berlin): Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae, 1.0: Completion and publication of a database of early Christian inscriptions from Asia Minor and Greece (

18.00 Finale: Posters and drinks

Tamara Kalkhitashvili: Epigraphic Corpus of Georgia 2.0. Carla Rubiera: Being nutrix: consequences in the slave’s life Tatjana Sandon: (Cog)nomina sunt consequentia rerum? The onomastics of freedwomen’s children in connection to their legal status

19.30 Colloquium Dinner (aux frais des participants)

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