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CALL. 15.11.2016: [POSTERS] La peinture murale antique : méthodes et apports d'une approche tech



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Marco Cavalieri (Université Catholique de Louvain, Centre d'Étude des Mondes Antiques); Prof. Cécile Evers (Université Libre de Bruxelles); Prof. Stella Falzone (Sapienza Università di Roma, Centro Studi Pittura Romana Ostiense); Prof. Julian Richard (Université de Namur); Paolo Tomassini (UCL-CeSPRO-CEMA, Aspirant du F.R.S.-FNRS)

INFO: web - -


The importance to perform archaeometric analyses on the mortars and pigments in the study of antique wall painting is no longer to be justified. Much has already been said, but we lack of a broader discussion on a territorial and diachronic scale. Working on the case of Ostia Antica, where we can notice a substantial change of technique for the paintings between the first and second century, a series of questions came spontaneously to us: are they constants or transformations in the technical execution of the paintings in time? Can some specific characteristics of an area or a particular period be distinguished? Generally, one can notice a progressive decrease of the number and quality of mortar layers, or the less frequent use of some pigments, as cinnabar. Is it possible to give a scientific base to these macroscopic observations through archaeometric analyses? This workshop wishes to be an occasion of meeting each other and discussing over these questions, with their own experience on the field, and establish some bases for further debate.

The Centre d'Étude des Mondes Antiques (CEMA) and the Centro Studi Pittura Romana Ostiense (CeSPRO) are pleased to invite you to the forthcoming conference “La peinture murale antique : méthodes et apports d'une approche technique', to be held at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) on April the 21st 2017. For further information and the temporary program, please see below or the file attached. If you are interested in presenting a poster during the conference, please submit a title, an abstract of 100 words (in English, French or Italian) and a brief c.v. The scientific committee will then examine the proposals. We can already announce that, if your poster is accepted, you will have the opportunity to publish in the proceedings of the conference, with the same space as other contributions. All proposals should be submitted by Tuesday 15th November to marco.cavalieri[at]

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