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Philosophy and Material Culture in Ancient Greece (ICHS) - 03-04-05/03/2017, Tampa (FL, USA)

In the past decade or two, classicists and philosophers have joined anthropologists and other students of culture in turning their attention to material culture (or extended cognition, as philosophers of mind would have it). It is not the first time, of course, that students of ancient Greece have seen philosophy manifested in other cultural domains; indeed, most modern classical scholarship took this for granted until the last half of the twentieth century. But the recent turn to material culture as a source for extending and enhancing our understanding of ancient texts is not—or not simply—a case of everything old becoming new again, for our understanding of texts, symbolic representation, and contexts had been radically revised and then revised again. The upshot is that we are now in a better position than we have, perhaps, ever been to appreciate the interaction of texts and other cultural artifacts in ancient Greece.

The conference, Philosophy and Material Culture in Ancient Greece, is sponsored by the University of South Florida Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies and the Department of Philosophy. The conference will take place March 3-5 2017 at the USF Tampa campus. The plenary lecture, “Why Thales Knew The Pythagorean Theorem,” will be given by Robert Hahn from the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03-04-05/03/2017


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