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CALL. 28.10.2016: [SESSION 21] Methods, tools, disruption ...: from information delivery to interact




INFO: web


This 'Other' format session is organised with the explicit aim of maximising discussion and networking opportunities for presentations which have a strong methodological or practical focus. The thematic content of the session is intentionally broad to encourage a wide range of contributors. Papers might be presenting methods of data collection, analysis or visualisation, new devices or digital tools, web sites, social media, web applications or portals, digitised content or information directories, issues of repositories, archiving or sustainability, projects in progress, field methods etc. Format: Papers will be grouped thematically and organised as an hour of 5 minute lightning talks followed by an hour of break-out discussion, in which the presenters will form nodes and participants are free to move between nodes. Presenter nodes may be organised around a poster, a demonstration or other device to promote discussion. Nodes might coalesce. This format intentionally breaks from the traditional monologue talk followed (or not) by questions. It allows the audience to identify presenters and topics of interest and then interact together, as well as with the presenter, in a focused discussion space (with refreshments if that proves to be possible). This format has proved very effective in other contexts because it promotes small group interactions and in-depth discussion along the lines of a 'coffee-break on steroids'. Unlike monolithic poster sessions, this format does not pin down all presenters at once so that they are unable to participate by visiting other posters. It also accommodates equipment or software demonstrations within the program at a specific time slot in the presence of a likely interest group. And finally, it can reduce parallel sessions by accommodating 48 papers/session/day. Note: Presentations in this 'Other' session will count as full papers <recommended - TBD by scientific committee>.

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