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CALL. 31.01.2017: Music, Individuals and Contexts: Dialectical Interactions - Roma (Italy)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Nadia Amendola; Alessandro Cosentino; Giacomo Sciommeri

INFO: call -


The Association “Ricerca Continua. Alumni Lettere e Filosofia Tor Vergata”, in collaboration with the Department of History, Humanities and Society – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, is glad to announce that the 1st Young Musicologists and Ethnomusicologists International Conference will be held on 27-28 April 2017 at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Lettere e Filosofia, via Columbia 1, Rome.

The conference is primarily intended for early-career musicologists andethnomusicologists (max. 40 years old). The aim of the YMEIC ROME 2017 is to encourage the circulation of knowledge and to create an opportunity to share ideas on music and its academic disciplines.

The conference is focused on the following theme: «Music, Individuals and Contexts: Dialectical Interactions». We welcome contributions which consider both the role of innovators and key figures (composers, musicians, theorists, librettists, etc.) in specific or in different cultural contexts, and/or the influence of contexts on the individual experience. The lines of investigation can assume all musicological and ethnomusicological research fields and also contributions of interdisciplinary character.

Both individual paper (20 minutes) and panel discussions (min. 3 scholars per session) are equally encouraged. The conference languages are: Italian, English, Spanish and French. All the slides (Powerpoint or pdf) must be exclusively in English.

Proposals (max. 400 words) should be sent as a Word attachment to the following e-mail address:, by using the specific » application form. We plan to publish the conference proceedings, following review process.

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