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Roman Empire: a 21st Century memoriam Géza Alföldy - 08-09-10/11/2016, Gniezno (Pol

Not so long ago the world of history lost one of the last century's most outstanding researchers of Roman antiquity, a master of epigraphic studies, prosopography and social history - Géza Alföldy. To us, he has been and will be a model of scholarly diligence and inquisitiveness, freedom and independence in formulating and shaping scientific notions, a paragon of a Scholar. November 2016 will mark the 5th anniversary of his death.

Institute of European Culture at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań has decided to celebrate His memory with a 3-day conference covering the aforementioned fields of scholarly activity. We would like to narrow down the issues and themes addressed during the conference to those areas in which Géza Alföldy won great international recognition and which thanks to him took on a new course:

1. Contemporary epigraphic studies

2. Social history and prosopography

3. Rome and the provinces. State and perspectives of research

4. The Roman military. State and perspectives of research

5. Roman historiography. Research perspective

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08-09-10/11/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Institute of European Culture (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

INFO: web - ; ; ;



Day 1. Tuesday (Aula at Campus)

08:00-09:00: Breakfast (cafeteria at Campus)

10:00-10:30: Welcome and introduction

I. Contemporary epigraphic studies

10:30-12:00 Session 1

Silvia Orlandi (Roma): Un Supplementum al Supplementum: iscrizioni imperiali di Roma dagli anni '90 a oggi

Marjeta Šašel Kos (Ljubljana): Epitaphs from Siscia: population study

Manfred Hainzmann (Graz): Natio, tribus, domus und andere „Herkunftsangaben“ römischer Reichsbewohner

12:00: Discussion

12:20:12:40: Coffeebreak

12:40-14:00 Session 2

Ioan Piso (Cluj-Napoca): Zur Inschrift des primus pilus G. Baienius Rufus aus Novae

Tadeusz Sarnowski (Warszawa): Neues aus Novae in Niedermoesien zum illyrischen Zollbezirk

Michał Duch (Gniezno): Research perspectives on stamped building material from Lower Moesia.

14:00: Discussion

14:20-16:00: Lunchbreak

16:00-17:10 Session 3

László Borhy (Budapest): Die bronzene Gesetztafel des Philippus Arabs aus Brigetio (Komárom/Szőny) aus Perspektive der Digitaltechnik

Diana Pi Gorostidi, Julio C. Ruiz Rodríguez (Tarragona): La officina lapidaria flavia Tarraconense: color y textura al servicio de Roma.

Katarzyna Balbuza (Poznań): Aeternus Augustus in der Titulatur der römischen Kaiser?

17:10: Discussion

19:30: Banquet

Day 2. Wednesday (Aula at Campus)

08:00-09:00: Breakfast (cafeteria at Campus)

II.Social history and prosopography

09:30-11:00 Session 4.

Piotr Dyczek (Warszawa): Terra incognita: results of polish excavations in Albania and Montenegro

Anamarija Kurilić (Zadar), Slavery in Roman Dalmatia Revisited

Alexei Martemyanov (Kharkov): About the method of determination of level of social activity of veterans in provinces of the Roman Empire (in the case of the Lower Moesia)

Danuta Okoń (Szczecin): Le sénat romain dans l'époque des Sévères - l'état des recherches

11:00-11:20: Discussion

11:20-11:40: Coffeebreak

11:40-13:00 Session 5

Mela Albana (Catania): … ne quem magistratum, cui provincia obvenisset, uxor comitaretur (Tac. ann. 3, 33, 1): presenze femminili al seguito di magistrati e soldati nelle province

Anthony Álvarez Melero (Sevilla): Contributions de G. Alföldy à la prosopographie au feminine

Anna Mech (Warszawa): Reading social relations from Roman African mosaics

Agnieszka Tomas (Warszawa): Family Life on the Frontier: Roman Military Families in the Moesian Provinces of the Empire

13:00: Discussion

13:20-14:30: Lunchbreak

III. Roman historiography. Research perspectice.

14:30-15:50 Session 6

Francisco Pina Polo (Saragossa): The origin of the Roman quaestorship: A historiographic debate

Sarkis Kazarow (Rostov-on-Don): The image of Pyrrhus in the Roman historical tradition

Cristina Soraci (Catania): Concessioni del potere e rivalità tra i vinti: le città siciliane dalla repubblica al tardoimpero

15:50: Discussion

16:10-16:30. Coffeebreak

IV. The Roman military. State and perspectives of research

16:30-17:40 Session 7

Gabriele Wesch-Klein (Heidelberg): Neue Forschungen zur römischen Militärgeschichte im 21. Jh.

Emilio Illarregui Gomez (Madrid): Legio IIII Macedonica. New epigraphical evidences

Tomasz Dziurdzik (Warszawa): Ethnic Units in Late Roman Army? The Case of Equites Dalmatae

17:40: Discussion

19:00-20:00: Dinner

Day 3. Thursday (aula at Campus)

08:00-09:00: Breakfast (cafeteria at Campus)

V. Rome and the provinces. State and perspectives of research

09:00-10:10 Session 8

Radu Ardevan (Cluj-Napoca): Rechtsstatus und Romanisierung in Dakien

Leszek Mrozewicz (Gniezno): Romanisierung als Integrationsfaktor des Imperium Romanum

Emanuela Borgia (Roma): Cilicia and the Roman empire: new perspectives for the the study of Provincia Cilicia and its Romanization

10:10-10.30: Discussion

10:30-11:00: Coffeebreak

11:00-12:10 Session 9

Elias Sverkos (Corfu): Geschäftsmänner zwischen Makedonien und Moesia Superior in der Kaiserzeit

Alejandro Díaz Fernández (Málaga): Prouinciae Ariminum, Gallia e Italia en el relato de Livio

Krzysztof Królczyk (Poznań): Wurde Tyras in das Römische Reich inkorporiert? Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der römischen Anwesenheit an der nördlichen Schwarzmeerküste

12:10-12:30: Discussion

12:30-12:50: Coffeebreak

12:50-14:00 Session 10

Marta Bajtler (Warszawa): Stamps on amphora ceramic stoppers from Risan in Montenegro

Maciej Czapski (Warszawa): Defensive system of ancient city Volubilis – ways of protection of the inhabitants and controlling of local tribes’ migration

Zofia Kaczmarek (Gniezno): Roman Textile Production and Consumption – a 21st Century Perspective

14:00: Discussion

14:20: General discussion, Closing of Conference

14:50: Lunch

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