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Conference in Honour of Sir John Boardman: There and Back Again: Greek Art in Motion - 03-04-05/05/2

The aim of this conference is to celebrate Sir John Boardman’s life and works. John Boardman, Emeritus Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art at the University of Oxford, has published many seminal works, which will remain as a reference for current and future generations of scholars around the world. They address a variety of subjects and, above all, they demonstrate the longevity and beauty of the Classical art, being a source of inspiration for junior and senior researchers alike and considerably increasing our knowledge of the ancient world.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03-04-05/05/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Mait Kõiv; Urmas Nõmmik; Märt Läänemets; Ivo Volt; Thomas R. Kämmerer; Sebastian Fink

INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Se ruega mandar un email a /please send an email to / Si prega di inviare una mail a with the following information:

-Full name


-Contact details (including email)

-NIF number/ tax ID number

-Proof of payment


-Participantes / speakers / relatori: 100 €

-Posters: 70 €

-Asistente / audience / pubblico: 30 €

-Estudiantes / students / studenti: 20 €


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