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The Enigma of Late Hellenistic and Roman Crete: Unanswered Questions - 18-19/11/2016, Nottingham (En

The University of Nottingham is proud to host the 1st International Conference of the Colloquium on Roman Crete. This is the first conference dedicated in entirety to the subject of Crete during the Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antique periods and is bringing together experts from around the world specialising in classics, archaeology, architecture and literature. An international line-up of programmed presentations will profile some of the current research programmes and their results.

The conference, hosted by the University of Nottingham and sponsored by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, has brought together presenters from around the world who will talk about their research and areas of interest. The topics that are to be presented cover the late Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antique/Byzantine periods on Crete. The theme of the conference is “The Enigma of Late Hellenistic and Roman Crete: Unanswered Questions”.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19/11/2016


INFO: web -

Normal / regular /normale - £30

Reducida / reduced / ridotta- £25


Keynote Speaker: Jane F Francis – Crete in the 2nd and 3rd centuries: Cultural Change in a Period of Transition

Guest Speaker: Theotokis Theodoulou – Roman Crete. The picture derived from shipwrecks, harbour works and coastal sites

Guest Speaker: Stavroula Markoulaki – Excavations at Kastelli Kissamos

Athina Malapani - Materia Medica in Roman Crete: Are there any similarities with other Mediterranean regions?

Veronica Casali and Silvia Donadei - Findings from the Basilica of Mitropolis: new contributions

Scott Gallimore - Deconstructing Patterns in the Distribution of Cretan Amphorae

George W Harrison - Hybrid Perception of Crete during the Roman Empire

Daniela Massara - About mosaics in domus and villae of Roman Crete: a focus on sectilia pavimenta

Anna Moles - A preliminary study of the human skeletal remains from Hellenistic to Late Antique Knossos

Nicholas Sekunda - The Export of Whetstones from Hellenistic Crete to Republican Italy

Daniel Stewart and Jennifer Baird - Framing Roman Knossos: Geophysics and Legacy Data

Conor Trainor and Todd Whitelaw - A City in Flux: Hellenistic and Roman Knossos

Conor Trainor - Daily Life at Hellenistic Knossos: A view from the KWW’77 Excavations

Michael J Curtis - The Colloquium on Roman Crete – a new platform for networking and collaborative research

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