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ICONEA 9th International conference. Hitite Music: Literature, Iconography, Musicology and Organolog

This conference will welcome all aspects of the musical life of the Hittites. Is there a culturally distinct Hittite form of music? Was Hittite music influenced by other cultures or was it the contrary?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-15-16/12/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: ICONEA; Institute of Musical Research (University of London)

INFO: web -


- Inscripción anticipada/ advance registration/ registrazione anticipo: 70£

- Reducida /concessions/concessione: 35£

Pago a/ payable to / pagamento: Richard Dumbrill: IBAN: GB68NWBK60051418136958


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