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CALL. 15.11.2016: The transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic period in the Levant, Cyprus



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Winfried Held (Philipps-Universtität Marburg) ; Dr. Zoi Kotitsa (Philipps - Universität Marburg)

INFO: web -


The aim of the Symposion is to investigate the transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic period in three closely interrelated regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. Cilicia, the Levant and Cyprus belonged for centuries to the Achaemenid Empire before becoming part of the Hellenistic world with the conquest of Alexander the Great in the late 4th century BC. The new rulers founded new cities, established Greek settlers, and imposed Greek as official language. Although these regions culturally became part of the Hellenistic koiné, traditions from the Achaemenid period continued to play an important role for their populations. In order to define this role and answer the numerous questions connected with the transition from one period to the other, the symposion wants to bring together scholars of different fields who are mostly working separately, as the Achaemenid period is normally the topic of prehistoric, near eastern or biblical archaeology, whereas the Hellenistic period is investigated by classical archaeologists. Thus the symposion wants to be a forum for an exchange of knowledge and a comprehensive view on the topic. Some of the questions we would like to address during the Symposion are:

- Is this transition visible in the archaeological record, and if yes how?

- Do settlement patterns and/or archaeological finds point to changes or do they rather demonstrate continuity? -Which categories of artifacts reflect phenomena of continuity and/or change in this area?

-Did the transition from one period to the other affect the relations between the three different regions and if yes, how? -What was the impact of this transition on production, use, consumption, long- and short-distance trade? -Did this transition transform cultural and social behaviors in these regions? Specialists who work in this part of the Mediterranean are welcome to exchange ideas on such questions during 2-3 days of presentations and discussions. The languages of the Symposion will be English, French, German or Italian. Papers should be of max. 20 min.; they should avoid field reports. Depending on the papers submitted, we may also include special sessions like a round table on pottery, dating and stratigraphy. The organizers will try to find financial support for the participants.

If you wish to participate to the Symposion, please complete the attached registration form and send it together with your abstract by November 15, 2016, to:

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