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ASPROM Symposium on Roman Mosaics - 03/12/2016, London (England)

The Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics (ASPROM: will be holding its Winter Symposium at King's College London on Saturday 3rd December 2016 from 1.00-5.30pm. All are welcome to attend

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03/12/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics (ASPROM)

INFO: web -


- Socios/members/membro: 10£

- Estudiantes/students/studenti: 8

-No socios/non-members/ non membri: 12£


10.30 am Tea and coffee

11.00 Annual General Meeting

1.00 pm Lunch and refreshments

2.00 Symposium (with a break for tea and coffee after the second paper)

Roger Ling introduces Pat Witts’ A Mosaic Menagerie (BAR, Oxford, 2016)

Alessandra Pompili, ‘Mosaics and sectilia from the Domus del Ninfeo at Ostia’

Miguel Angel Valero, ‘The late-antique villa at Noheda (Villar de Domingo Garcia) near Cuenca and its mosaics’

Eileen Rubery, ‘The mosaics of Rome and its environs and of Roman Britain: what are they reflecting?’

5.30 pm Close

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