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Modulations and transpositions: the contexts and boundaries of ‘minor’ and ‘major’ genres in late an

The aim of the workshop is to explore the impact and transformation of classical forms and genres in the Christian poetry of the 4th – 6th centuries CE. We hope to cover both Greek and Latin Christian poetry, and possibly other, classicizing late antique poems, for which the influence of Christian forms or genres can be demonstrated (see, for example, the transformation of tragedy into moralizing, quasi-Christian apologetic epic in Dracontius’ Medea and Orestis tragoedia). As a rough guide, the Lisbon event will deal with small-scale forms (e.g. epigrams, epyllia, and hymns), while the Heidelberg part will concentrate on larger-scale forms (e.g. epic and tragedy).

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/06, 15-16/12/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: F. Hadjittofi (Universidade de Lisboa); A. Lefteratou (Universität Heidelberg)


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Se ruega mandar un email a /please send an email to / Si prega di inviare una mail a Fotini Hadjittofi (

Primera parte / first part/ prima parte: 01-02.06.2017, Workshop in Lisbon, Keynote speaker : Prof. Gianfranco Agosti (Sapienza, Università di Roma)

|| Thursday, June 1

9:30 Registration

10:00 Opening session: Anna Lefteratou (Heidelberg)

Fotini Hadjittofi (Lisbon)

Keynote Lecture: Gianfranco Agosti (Rome) Verse inscriptions and late antique society. What difference Christianity made

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Arianna Gullo (Durham)

The epigrams of the sixth-century AD poet Julian the Egyptian

Roberto Chiappiniello (Calne)

Pastoral and satire. The hybrid fabula of the Epigramma Paulini

12:40 Lunch

14:30 Dimitar Iliev (Sofia)

Sophon mimema: late antique Greek epigram and its metrical sources

Marco Onorato (Messina) The poet and the light. Modulation and transposition of a Prudentian ekphrasis in two poems by Sidonius Apollinaris

15:40 Coffee Break

16:10 Delphine Lauritzen (Venice)

Hymns to God as poetic preludes in Late Antiquity

Janina Sieber (Munich) Methodius of Olympus: The Symposium and its final hymn

19:30 Dinner

|| Friday, June 2

10:00 Étienne Wolff (Paris-Nanterre)

Les trois grands poèmes mythologiques de Dracontius sont-ils des epyllia à visée apologétique chrétienne ?

Susanna Fischer (Munich)

Dracontius' Medea and the classical tradition

11:10 Coffee Break

11:40 Marcelina Gilka (Exeter)

A fox among lions: Dracontius' perceptions of his De Raptu Helenae (Rom. 8)

Maria-Jennifer Falcone (Erlangen) A rhetoric modulation of genres: Dracontius’ Satisfactio

12:50 Lunch

14:50 Fotini Hadjittofi (Lisbon)

Nonnus’ Paraphrase as didactic epic

Frederick Lauritzen (Venice) Nonnos of Panopolis and Wulfila. The paraphrasing and translating the byzantine recension

16:00 Closing Remarks

Segunda parte/second part/seconda parte - Heidelberg

Friday 15th December

0830-0900, Registration

0900-1115 A Session Poetic discourses of war (CHAIR: G. AGOSTI)

0900-0930, Hadjittofi, F. (Lisbon) -- Discussion of the Lisbon Workshop – directions, remarks

0930-1015, Leppin, H. (Frankfurt a.M.) -- George of Pisidia and discourses of War in Late Antiquity

1015-1045, Coffee

1045-1145 B Session Tragedy in hexameters (CHAIR: T. GÄRTNER)

1045-1115, Wasyl, A. (Krakow) -- The late Roman Alcestis

1115-1145, Lefteratou, A. (Heidelberg) -- Maria’s lament in the Homeric Centos. A tragic monologue?

1200-1400, Lunch

1400 -1600 C1 Session A Gospel Genre? (CHAIR: R. G. CZAPLA)

1400-1430, Accorinti, D. (Pisa) -- Did Nonnus really want to write a ‘Gospel epic’?

1430-1500 Otlewska-Jung, M. (FU Berlin) -- Giving the Gospel a classic touch: the case of Nonnus’ Paraphrase of the

Gospel of John

1500-1530, Coffee

1530-1600 C2 Session From Gospel to missionarism? (CHAIR: H. LEPPIN)

1530-1600, Paschalis, M. (Rethymno) -- The ‘profanity’ of Jesus’ storm-calming miracle (Juvencus 2.25-42)

1600-1630, Belanger, C. (St. Andrews) -- Geographical poetry as Christian triumph? Evocations through style, mode

and discipline in Priscian’s Periegesis

1900, Conference Dinner

Saturday 16th December

0915-1115 D Session Cento and Hagiography (CHAIR: M. OTLEWSKA-JUNG)

0915-0945, Gärtner, T. (Köln) -- Die poetologische Selbstrechtfertigung spätantiker Bibeldichtung

0945-1015, Rigo, M-S. (Roma/Heidelberg) -- Writing a Homeric-Christian poem: the case of Eudocia Augusta’s De S.


1015-1045, Coffee

1045-1145 E1 Session Hagiography and panegyric (CHAIR: F. HADJITTOFI)

1045-1115, Livorsi, L. (Reading) -- How to praise a saint. The blurry boundaries of hagiography and panegyric in Late Antiquity

1115-1145, McDonald, J. (Glasgow) -- Gateway Poetry: The Biblical Poems of Gregory Nazianzen (Car. 1.1.11-27)

1200-1400 Lunch

1400 -1600 E 2 Session Gregory and his Genres (CHAIR: LEFTERATOU)

1400-1430, Kuhn-Treichel, T. (Leipzig) -- Mentioning poets and genres in Gregory Nazianzen’s poems

1430-1500, Agnosini, M. (Pisa) -- Generic interplay and modulations in Gregory Nazianzen’s Poem II 1,45 (PG 37.1353-78)

1500-1530 Coffee

1530-1645 F Session After Late Antiquity (CHAIR: D. ACCORINTI)

1530-1600 Czapla, R.G., (Heidelberg) -- Didaktisches Epos und Lehrgedicht Eine spätantike Gattungsdiffe-renzierung und ihre Rezeption in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit

1600-1700 Agosti, G. / Leppin, H. -- Round Table discussion

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