Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on - 22-23/06/2017, London (England)
2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the first edition of "Rape in Antiquity", edited by Susan Deacy and Karen F. Pierce, a book that after twenty years still remains as an example of an innovative approach to a classical topic. To mark this anniversary and to emphasize the importance of this line of research in the last decades, a new conference, like the 1994 original one in Cardiff from which the book resulted, will be held at the University of Roehampton, London. The objective of this event is to promote a rich discussion on the subject of sexual violence in antiquity, by having in the same place a mixture of renowned scholars and newest generations of researchers which will result in the presentation and debate of new theories and points of view. As it was already stated, "Rape in Antiquity" was the result of a 1994 conference dedicated to the same topic, and this book still holds importance today, even after twenty years, for all the researchers that focus on the sexual life in the Ancient World.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23/06/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Roehampton (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: José Malheiro Magalhães (University of Roehampton)
INFO: web - jose.malheiro.magalhaes@gmail.com
We've had a couple of last-minute cancellations and so have been able to extend the booking for this event for a few more days. So: if you'd like to join us this time next week, then we'd be happy to welcome you to Roehampton!
Thanks to generous funding from Santander and Ede & Ravenscroft we are able to provide tea and coffee. For lunch on each day, there are a range of moderately-priced outlets around campus, such as the Hive (https://www.roehamptonstudent.com/growhampton/hive/), which is perhaps the most distinctive student café in the UK. The conference dinner will take place at the King's Head pub (http://kingsheadsw15.co.uk/) within walking distance from campus. Please do inform José Malheiro Magalhães (jose.malheiro.magalhaes@gmail.com) if you want to take part in the dinner.