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Iran between the Sasanians and Early Islam - 12-13-14/12/2016, Jerusalem (Israel)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13-14/12/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Domenico Agostini (Polonsky Academy, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute) ; Julia Rubanovich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ; Shaul Shaked (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem/The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities) ; Michael Shenkar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

INFO: web

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Sólo invitados/Invitees only/Solo invitati

Monday, December 12

16:30 Gathering 17:15 Greetings Prof. Eli Lederhendler, Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Humanities Dr. Domenico Agostini, Polonsky Academy, at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute; on behalf of the organizing committee 17:30-18:50 Apocalyptic and Eschatological Traditions Chair: Shaul Shaked Antonio Panaino (University of Bologna): The “Trepidation” of the Sun, the 57 Years of the Resurrection and the Late Mazdean Speculations on the Apocalypse Domenico Agostini (Polonsky Academy, at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute): Reassessing the Afterlife in Pahlavi Literature 19:00 Buffet Dinner Tuesday, December 13 9:30-11:30 History and Economy Chair: Frantz Grenet Michael Shenkar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Coronation of the Early Sasanians Aleksander Engeskaug (SOAS, University of London): From Crops to Cash: The Role of Money and Trade in the Economic System of the Zoroastrian Fire Endowments in Sasanian Iran Nikolaus Schindel (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Continuity and Discontinuity in the Numismatic Landscape of Early Islamic Iran 11:30 Coffee break 11:50-13:10 Interreligious Connections Chair: Geoffrey Herman Tzvi Langermann (Bar-Ilan University): The Risala Haruniyya of Masih b. al-Hakham: Some Persian Elements in the Treatise, and the Possible Significance of the Treatise for the History of Jewish Sectarianism Ofir Haim (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Early Judeo-Persian Bible Exegesis and Its Connection with Judeo-Arabic Exegetical Literature 13:15 Lunch 14:30-16:30 Archaeology and Conquests Chair: Amikam Elad Gideon Avni (Israel Antiquities Authority/The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The 614 CE Sasanian Conquest of Palestine – an Archaeological Overview Yuri Karev (CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure): Sasanian Heritage and ʽAbbasid Power in Māwarā’annahr: Last Data and 3D Reconstruction of the Mid-Eighth-Century Palace in Samarqand Dietrich Huff (German Archaeological Institute): The Slow Return of Sasanian Traditions in the Architecture of Early Islamic Iran 16:30 Coffee break 16:50-18:10 Middle Persian Literature Chair: Julia Rubanovich Götz König (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): On the Sources of Ādurfarrbay and Mardānfarrox Kevin T. van Bladel (The Ohio State University): Written Middle Persian Literature under the Sasanids 19:00 Dinner at Touro Restaurant (Invitees only) Wednesday, December 14

10:30 Gathering 10:50 Greetings: Prof. Gabriel Motzkin, Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute 11:00-12:20 Religious Continuity

Chair: Domenico Agostini Miguel Ángel Andrés Toledo (University of Salamanca): Sleeping Adam through Christian, Islamic and Zoroastrian Traditions Shaul Shaked (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Shi'ite Dissimulation and some Zoroastrian Connections 12:30 Lunch 14:00-16:00 New Research on Sasanian Art Chair: Michael Shenkar Matteo Compareti (Renmin University of China): Specimens of Sasanian Sculpture Recently Found in Iran Rina Talgam (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Sasanian Origin of Umayyad Sculpture and Architectural Decoration: A Reassessment Frantz Grenet (Collège de France): Aegypto-Sasanidica: Two Works of Sasanian Propaganda Connected with the Conquest of Egypt 16:00 Concluding Remarks: Prof. Shaul Shaked

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