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“In Search of the Golden Fleece” Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and the Ancient



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Friday 27th January

2pm Registration & Welcome Reception

2.30pm Welcome address - M. Bianconi (Oxford)

2.45pm Homeric covenantal terminology and its Near Eastern forerunners - P. Dardano (Siena)

3.30pm Where was Aḫḫiya? Who was Attarissiya? - S. Durnford (Independent)

4.15pm Refreshments

4.45pm The literary evidence - from Hittite to Homer? - C. Metcalf (Oxford)

5.30pm Luwian tarpalli and Greek therapon: sacrifice and narrative between Anatolia and Greece - I. Rutherford (Reading)

(papers end at 6.15pm)

7.00pm Drink reception and Dinner

Saturday 28th January

10.30am Refreshments

11.00am Language Contact between Lydian and Greek - N. Oettinger (Erlangen-Nürnberg)

11.45am Gods of the Lydians, Greco-Lydian Contact and the Problem of Lydian Ethno-Linguistic Identity - R. Oreshko (Warsaw)

12.30am Anatolian and Greek: languages in contact or common inheritance - J.L. García Ramón (Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, Harvard University)

1.15pm Lunch

2.30pm Trends in writing and literacy: Greece and Phrygia, Cyprus and Phoenicia - P. Steele (Cambridge)

3.15pm Signs and Seals. Early writing and administrative practices in the Aegean and Anatolia - W. Waal (Leiden)

4.00pm Refreshments

4.30pm The linguistic Landscape of North West Anatolia in pre-Roman times - A. Kloekhorst (Leiden)

5.15pm A Possible New Greco-Carian Contact Phenomenon - H.C. Melchert (UCLA)

(papers end at 6.00pm)

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