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CALL. 31.01.2017: [PANEL 8 at 10th CCC] The Reception of Ancient Drama in the Scholarly Works of Ear



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Malika Bastin-Hammou (Grenoble Alpes University); Pascale Paré-Rey (Lyon University, Lyon 3 – Jean Moulin)

INFO: web - -


The panel will welcome any proposal dealing with the reception of Ancient drama in scholarly works during Early Modernity. The first objective of the panel will be to examine the nature of these works and in what way they have grown to be at the heart of reflections on the way this theatre was understood or made to be understood by its readers. It will also try to grasp in what way these works either echo, define or set aside some of the debates on contemporary vernacular theater. The construction of a text, its translation (if required), analysis, explanation, criticism or indexing in plays written by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, as well as Plautus, Terence and Seneca, can be seen as so many literary tasks embraced by scholars, each driven by a range of objectives.

If the humanistic ideals of curiosity and freedom are necessary motives which seem to guide the well-read towards Ancient texts, the different historical, political and literary contexts in Europe have not always been favorable to such works. Very often something is indeed at stake in the productions and underlying motivations of these learned men for whom this approach to drama can only be passed on as a contribution to intellectual progress. But it can also represent a challenge, an obstacle, even a danger, against which they would have had to protect themselves or find a relevant justification.

The panel also hopes to explore the scholarly works of a period which starts in the XVIth and extends all the way to the XVIIIth century : from principes editions to Father Brumoy’s Greek Theatre (1730), from the translations in Latin verse to the more complete translations in the vernacular, including the ad verbum translations as well, it is indeed a period when the editorial work of the Classics starts to gather momentum and when critical arguments are thus being formulated.

These scholarly works, whether they be placed alongside theatrical texts, namely in certain editions where prefaces, essays, dissertations, commentaries are added to the final volume, or whether they appear in separate texts, often convey a vision of Ancient drama which, as such, has not yet been explored. This vision, of course, cannot be seen as a single, identical and unchanging vision. It varies all throughout the period, according both to national traditions as well as the conceptions of each author, depending on the play at hand.

The panel should highlight this abundance whilst asking questions which will allow us to tackle this large, theoretical corpus in the most joint and enthusiastic way.

The 10th Celtic Conference in Classics will take place in Montreal (Canada), from 19-22 July, 2017. The Conference provides panels with up to 15 hours of papers and discussion across four days. For this panel we are asking for papers of 30 minutes in length, with 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion.

Please submit titles and abstracts of approximately 300 words to Malika Bastin-Hammou ( and Pascale Paré-Rey ( by 31st January 2017. Applicants will be notified of the panel’s decision shortly thereafter. It is expected that a number of the papers delivered at this panel will form part of a peer-reviewed edited volume. Applicants should state whether they would intend their papers to be considered for publication.

The languages of the Celtic Conference in Classics are English and French.

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