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Seleukid Study Days VI. Reception, Response, and Resistance: Reactions to Seleukid Claims to Territo

The theme for the workshop will be on how Seleukid claims to political legitimacy were received by those over whom they claimed suzerainty. Can we see local nuances to central policies? Could local authorities afford to ignore them completely? Which forms might dissent have taken? And what were the responses, once open resistance was declared?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02-03/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Altay Coskun (University of Waterloo) : Richard Wenghofer (Nipissing University)

INFO: web - ;



Confirmed speakers include David Engels, Kyle Erickson, Paul Kosmin, Catharine Lorber, Paul Monaghan, Gillian Ramsey & Nicholas Sekunda

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