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Ancient Philosophy in Early Modern Europe - 15-16/05/2017, Princeton (NJ, USA)

Papers may treat of any aspect of the impact of ancient philosophy on the thought of Early Modern Europe. We also welcome papers on the textual and editorial transmission of Ancient Philosophy in earlier periods, especially the Islamicate and Byzantine reception and transmission

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16/05/2017





Monday 15th May

12:00 PM-1:00 PM: Lunch and opening remarks

1:00 PM-3:30 PM: Geometry and Philosophy

Benjamin Morison (Princeton): "The Aristotelian Theory of Scientific Knowledge and Geometrical Problems"

Laura Kotevska (Sydney): "Rewriting Euclid in the Seventeenth Century: Antoine Arnauld's Nouveaux éléments de géométrie"

Paolo Rossini (SNS Pisa): "Bruno, Cavalieri, and the Pythagoreans: The Problem of the Continuum between Ancient and Modern Geometry"

3:30 PM-4:00 PM: Coffee break

4:00 PM-6:30 PM: Plato and Platonism

Jessica Moss (NYU): "Why Plato's Forms can be the objects of Knowledge but not of Opinion"

Maude Vanhaelen (Warwick): "Platonic Virtue in 16th Century Italy"

Christia Mercer (Columbia):

"Platonism and Knowledge in the 17th Century: the case of Anne Conway"

7:00 PM: Dinner

Tuesday 16th May

10:00 AM-10:30 AM: Coffee

10:30 AM-1:00 PM: The Posterior Analytics and its Afterlife

David Bronstein (Georgetown): "The Structure of Aristotelian Demonstration"

Riccardo Strobino (Tufts): "Theory of Science in the Arabic-Islamic Tradition: Avicenna and the Posterior Analytics"

Peter Anstey (Sydney): "Principles in Early Modern Philosophy: The Aristotelian Legacy and the Problem of Epistemic Access"

1:00 PM-2:00 PM: Lunch

2:00 PM-4:30 PM: Mechanical Philosophy and the Spectres of Ancient Thought

Tom Vinci (Dalhousie): "Ancient Catoptrics, Leibniz's Principle of Minimization in Physics and the Need for Divine Reason"

Nicolas Lema Habash (Panthéon-Sorbonne): "Reading Aristotle's Biology through Descartes' Physics: Spinoza's Definition of Life in Cogitata Metaphysica II 6"

Daniel Garber (Princeton): "Something Old, Something New: The idea of a Philosophia novantiqua in the early-modern period"

4:30 PM-5:00 PM: Closing remarks and roundtable discussion

5:00 PM-6:30 PM: Recess

6:30 PM: Reception

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