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Society for Neo-Latin Studies Annual Postgraduate Event - 17/03/2017, Birmingham (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 17/03/20117

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sarah Knight (University of Leicester)

INFO: web -


The Society for Renaissance Studies has generously awarded a number of postgraduate bursaries: please contact the event organiser Sarah Knight ( if you would like to apply for a bursary, register for the event, or if you have any other questions.


10:00-10:15 Welcome: Prof. Gesine Manuwald (UCL; SNLS President) 10:15-11:15 Reseach Panel 1: Chair: Prof. Sarah Knight (Leicester) Lucy Nicholas (King’s College London), ‘Crossing boundaries in the European Reformation: Johannes Sturm and the English Reformation’ Sharon van Dijk (King’s College London), ‘Sixteenth-Century Education and the Pastoral Elegy’ 11:15-12:15 Reseach Panel 2: Chair: Prof. Gesine Manuwald (UCL) Jill Woodberry (King’s College London), ‘Mildmay Fane’s Horatian imitations’ Christophe Bertiau (University of Cambridge/Université libre de Bruxelles), ‘“Ipse fruens pulchrum, sine definire sophistas”: Jean Dominique Fuss’ æsthetic’ 12:30-2:00 Lunch: The Old Contemptibles Public House, 176 Edmund St, Birmingham B3 2HB 2:00-3:00 Neo-Latin Research: Chair: Dr. Elizabeth Sandis (Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham) Prof. Yasmin Haskell (Bristol) Dr. Joseph Wallace (Birmingham) 3:00-4:00 Seminar discussion of three pre-circulated chapters 4:00-4:30 Final plenary discussion

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