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10th MOISA Meeting, The "Revolution" of the New Music - 28-29-30/07/2017, Oxford (England)

Jesus College Oxford will be pleased to host the 10th MOISA Meeting in July 2017 – a historic conference that marks the tenth anniversary since the foundation of MOISA, the International Society for the Study of Greek andRoman Music and its Cultural Heritage.To celebrate this milestone appropriately, this conference will focus on one of the most controversial and discussed phenomena in ancient Greek musical history: the radical innovations of the so-called ‘New Music’

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-30/07/2017

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Jesus College, Oxford (England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrew Barker (Birmingham) ; Armand D’Angour (Oxford) ; Pauline LeVen (Yale) ; Tosca Lynch (Oxford) ; Sylvain Perrot (Paris) ; Eleonora Rocconi (Pavia) ; Anna Stoll–Knecht (Oxford).

INFO: web -


-Estándar/standard/standard: 25£

-Estudiante/student/studente: 15£

-Cena de gala/gala dinner/cena di gala: 45£

Jesus College is delighted to announce that, thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association, we will be able offer two bursaries to postgraduate research students who wish to attend the 10th Moisa Meeting on the 'New’ Music (28–30th July 2017).

Each bursary will cover accommodation in College (2 nights B&B), fee waiver and a small contribution towards travel expenses.

Students who wish to apply should submit a letter outlining the reasons why attending the conference would be beneficial for their research, together with their CV and a brief statement of support from their supervisors.

These documents must be sent to by Tuesday, April 4th 2017.


Friday 28 July

13.00 Arrivals and Registration 13.40 Welcome and introductions 14–15 Opening Keynote Chair: Gregory Hutchinson (Christ Church, University of Oxford) Armand D’Angour (Jesus College, University of Oxford) ‘The Ideology of the New Music and Euripides’ Orestes’ Tea/Coffee 15.15–16.45 Session 1: Euripides and the New Music Chair: Felix Budelmann (Magdalen College, University of Oxford) - Joshua Billings (Princeton University) ‘Musical and philosophical σοφία’ - Barbara Castiglioni (University of Turin) ‘Music, ritual, and self-referentiality in the second stasimon of Euripides’ Helen: the Dionysian Necessity’

Tea/Coffee 17–18.40 Session 2: Musical and visual mimesis: ‘Old’ and ‘New’ models Chair: Eleonora Rocconi (University of Pavia) - Caleb Simone (Columbia University) ‘Pipe Play: Pindar’s Auletic Mimesis and the New Music’ - Theodor Ulieriu-Rostas (EHESS Paris) ‘In search of an invisible revolution?: New Music, agonistic imagery and Attic vase-painting’ - Egert Pöhlmann (F.A.–Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) ‘Pre-concert introduction: Athenaeus’ Paean as a specimen of the 'New Music’ 19 Concert of Ancient Greek Music: The Revolution of the “New Music” in Classical Greece’ Ashmolean Museum, Randolph Sculpture Gallery (free of charge but pre-registration is required – for further information, please contact the organiser)

Saturday 29 July

8.45 –11 Session 3: Conservative criticism in Classical Greek poetry Chair: Egert Pöhlmann (F.A.–Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

- Massimo Giuseppetti (University of Rome 3) ‘Critias and the Revolution of New Music’ - Theodora Hadjimichael (LMU Munich) ‘Kinesias, the Scapegoat of the New Music’ - Laura Gianvittorio (University of Vienna) ‘New Music and dancing prostitutes’

Tea/Coffee 11.30–13.00 Session 4: Conservative criticism in Greek philosophy and rhetoric Chair: Joan Silva-Barris (IES Antoni Pous i Argila, Vice President of Moisa) - Antonietta Gostoli (University of Perugia) ‘Τὸ καλὸν as a criterion for judging innovation (τὸ καινόν) in Greek musical pedagogy: “ancient” versus “new” music in Ps. Plut. De musica’. - Francesca Modini (King's College London) ‘The Cyclops' revenge: Aelius Aristides on Plato, Philoxenus, and New Music'

13–14 Lunch 14-15.30 Session 5: Reception in Hellenistic sources Chair: Donatella Restani (University of Bologna) - Ambra Tocco (University of Genoa) ‘‘New music’ and early Peripatetic scholarship: establishing a historiographical paradigm’ - Sylvain Perrot (University of Paris) ‘The Aesthetic and Political Reception of the New Music through Hellenistic Inscriptions’

Tea/Coffee 16–18.30 Session 6: Rhythmics and harmonics Chair: Andrew Barker (University of Birmingham, Founding President of Moisa) - Marco Ercoles (University of Bologna) ‘The New Music: what revolution in rhythmics?’ - Stelios Psaroudakis and Fotis Moschos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) ‘An experimental investigation of rhythmic irrationality’ - Tosca Lynch (Jesus College, University of Oxford) ‘ “Without Timotheus, much of our melopoiia would not exist; but without Phrynis, there wouldn’t have been Timotheus”:

Pherecrates’ twelve strings, the strobilos and the harmonic paranomia of the New Music’

19 Drinks reception 19.30–20.45 Gala Dinner

21 Concert London Brahms Trio. Jesus College Chapel

Sunday 30 July 8.45–9.45 Moisa Annual Assembly Tea/Coffee 10.15 –12.30 Session 7: Reception in Rome and early Christian sources Chair: Tim Moore (Washington University in St. Louis) - Harry Morgan (St Cross College, University of Oxford) ‘Responses to “New Music” in the Late Roman Republic’ - Kamila Wyslucha (OeAW) ‘Negat enim mutari posse musicas leges sine mutatione legum publicarum. The echoes of the New Music in Rome’ - Andreas Kramarz (Legion of Christ College of Humanities, CT) ‘Christian Reception of the “New-Music”-Debate: Similarities and Differences in the Musical Criticism of the Church Fathers’

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