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2017 Society of Biblical Literature Meeting (EABS-ISBL) - 07-08-09-10-11/08/2017, Berlin (Germany)

The SBL International Meeting is held annually outside North America. It provides a unique forum for international scholars who are unable to attend the North American meeting and for all who wish to engage more directly SBL's growing international membership and scholarship.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-08-09-10-11/08/2017


INFO: web -



Ancient Near East

Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible

Anthropology and the Bible (EABS)

Apocalyptic Literature

Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha

Apostolic Fathers and Related Early Christian Literature

Archaeology and Diaspora

Judaism Authority and Influence in Ancient Times

Bible and Empire

Bible and Its Influence: History and Impact

Bible and Syriac Studies in Context

Bible and Visual Culture

Biblical Interpretation in Early Christianity

Biblical Theology

Bodies of Communication (EABS)

Canonical Approaches to the Bible (EABS)

Catholic Epistles

Concepts of Leadership in the Hebrew Bible (EABS)

Deconstructive Poetics (EABS)

Developing Exegetical Methods (EABS)

Diachronic Poetology of the Hebrew Bible and Related Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Jewish Literature (EABS)

Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies and Early Jewish and Christian Studies (EABS)

Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies Early Christianity (EABS)

Early Christianity and the Ancient Economy Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible in light of Empirical Evidence (EABS)

Emotions and the Biblical World (EABS)

Epigraphical and Paleological Studies

Pertaining to the Biblical World

Epistle to the Hebrews

Europe Contested: Contemporary Bible Readings Performed by "Ordinary" Readers in a European Context (EABS)

Exile and Identity in the Hebrew Bible and Related Literature (EABS)

Expressions of Religion in Israel

Families and Children in the Ancient World

Fan Fiction and Ancient Scribal Cultures (EABS)

Feminist Interpretations

Global Education and Research Technology Gospel of Mark Graeco-Roman Society (EABS)

Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World

Hellenistic Greek Language and Linguistics Hellenistic

Judaism Historical Approaches to the Bible and the Biblical World (EABS)

Iconography and Biblical Studies (EABS)

Intersections: A Forum for Research on Ancient Israel, Hebrew Bible, and Cognate Topics (EABS)

Israel and the Production and Reception of Authoritative Books in the Persian and Hellenistic Period (EABS)

Israel in the Ancient Near East (EABS)

Johannine Literature Judaeans in the Persian Empire (EABS)

Judaica Law and Narrative (EABS)

Literary Features – Fact or Fiction (EABS)

Medicine in Bible and Talmud (EABS) Metaphor in the Bible (EABS)

Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism Northwest Semitic Epigraphy Related to the Biblical World (EABS)

Orality and Literacy in Early Christianity (EABS)

Paul and Pauline Literature Pauline Literature (EABS)

Pentateuch (Torah)

Place, Space, and Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Political Biblical Criticism

Postcolonial Studies Prophecy and Foreign Nations (EABS)


Prophets and Prophecy (EABS)

Psychological Hermeneutics of Biblical Themes and Texts

Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Quran and Islamic Tradition in Comparative Perspective

Rethinking Biblical Written Tradition through Slavonic Interpretations

Ritual in the Biblical World

Septuagint Studies Slavonic Apocrypha (EABS)

Slavonic Parabiblical Traditions (EABS)

Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah (EABS)

Study of the Historical Jesus (EABS)

Stylistics and the Hebrew Bible

Synoptic Gospels

Textual Criticism of the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Qur’an (EABS)

The Bible and Ecology (EABS)

The Bible in Arabic in Judaism, Christianity, Islam (EABS)

The Bible in the Iberian World: Fundaments of a Religious Melting Pot (EABS)

The Bible in the Twenty-First Century: Politization of Bibles and Biblization of Politics (EABS)

The Biblical World and Its Reception (EABS)

The Dead Sea Scrolls (EABS)

The Greek of Jews and Christians Through the Pax Romana (EABS)

The Language of Colour in the Bible: From Word to Image (EABS)

The Roman Forum: New Testament, Early Christianity, and Early Rabbinics (EABS)

Wisdom in Israel and in ANE Wisdom Literature (EABS)

Wisdom Literature in the Bible and in the Ancient Near East

Working with Biblical Manuscripts (Textual Criticism)

Writings (including Psalms)

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