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CALL. 15.03.2017 [PANELS]: 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology: Archaeology and Eco



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Martin Bentz (Bonn) - Michael Heinzelmann (Cologne)

INFO: web - call -


The session meetings (Wednesday to Saturday) will be organized in panels of two hours each. Each panel comprises a maximum of 5 papers (20 min) and a discussion (20 min). It is possible to propose a double-panel session on a single theme, but this should not cover more than four hours. All panels must correspond to one of the 12 session topics. Panel organizers are asked to submit a short proposal in English (2500 characters including spaces) which must be also suitable as an abstract for the programme. Panel organizers can make proposals for possible speakers and paper titles in advance. Furthermore, a particular discussant can be proposed.

The scientific committee will decide on the acceptance of each panel proposal. Afterwards there will be a call for papers for the different panels.

The call for panels is open and will remain open until 15 March 2017.

Panels can be proposed for each of the following sessions:

1 The human factor: Demography, nutrition, health, epidemics

2 The impact of natural environmental factors on ancient economy: Climate,landscape

3 Systems of production: Land use, industry, technology, artistic production

4 System of extraction: Mining, pollution, technology

5 Distribution: Trade and exchange,monetarization, credit, networks,transport, infrastructure (e.g. ports)

6 Consumption: Daily and luxuryconsumption, conspicuous consumption,waste, recycling, diet

7 Economy of cult: Investment, religious and ritualconsumption, economics of death

8 The role of the city in the ancient economy: Urban infrastructure, relations between town and country

9 The military economy at war and peace

10 Economy of knowledge: Education, innovation, literacy

11 Methodology: Survey archaeology, natural sciences, quantification

12 Other topics outside the main theme of the conference are open to suggestion

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