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Second International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research (DARE 2017): "Aberrant Nuptial

The philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and its resonating discourses have become increasingly relevant to the field of Artistic Research, and Deleuze is now a key reference for many artist-researchers engaging with knowledge across artistic, academic and non-academic fields of practice. DARE 2015: The Dark Precursor was the first conference attempting to trace the encounter between artistic research and Deleuze’s world. The Second International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research, DARE 2017: Aberrant Nuptials, continues that mapping, readdressing the question ‘How can communication occur between heterogeneous systems?’ through the associated concepts of ‘aberrant nuptials’ and ‘zone of indeterminacy’.

DARE 2017 invites artists, composers, scholars and all artist-researchers not to interpret or critique Deleuze and his world, but to appropriate and challenge it within Artistic Research, problematizing it through artistic practices and for concrete acts of creation

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21-22/11/2017


INFO: web -


-Anticipada /Early Bird/ anticipata (hasta/until/ fino al 20/09/2017) : 200 EUR

-Standard (hasta/until/ fino al 13/11/2017): 250 EUR

- Reducida/reduced /ridotto (students and unaffiliated): 150 EUR

All participants are required to register before attending the conference. An online registration form will be available on this website when registrations open. More information here


  • 3 full days of conference at the Orpheus Institute.

  • 9 invited speakers

  • 3 presenting every morning and chairing

  • 3 panels (plateaus) in the afternoon.

  • 6-8 participants every panel will co-organise with the chair

  • 4-5 hours of presentations and discussions. Paulo de Assis will chair

  • 2 evening round-tables (dialogues) among our invited speakers and with the public. All participants are invited to

  • 1 concert (chair's address) at the Handelsbeurs Concertzaal and after, those who registered can join

  • 1 conference dinner in the Dining Hall of the Orpheus Institute. At the end of the conference, we will have

  • 1 closing reception with a book launch and the announcement of the next DARE conference.

A provisional schredule can be found here

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