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Archéologie et Gobelets XXI-17-18-19-20-21/05/2017, Kiel (Germany)

Think Global, Act Local! The Transformation of Spatial Interaction and Material Culture in Beaker Contexts of the 3rd Millennium BC in Europe

The 3rd millennium BC in Europe is a period showing a new quality in the transregional distribution of material culture. What is more, there is a more marked duality between the fragmented pattern of local styles and the new overarching trans-regional elements of material culture, most notably expressed in archaeological terms by the Bell Beaker and Corded Ware phenomena. Such a duality, especially marked by the concept of Bell Beakers and ”Common Ware”, is surely not a total novelty. But the hitherto unknown width of distribution of „global" Corded Ware, or Bell Beaker elements is evidence of a new character of this dialectic in the 3rd millennium BC.

In this workshop, we want to explore the background of this new quality. To what extent is this re-arrangement of global and local frames of reference a consequence of a fundamental change in social organisation and economic practices? In how far does it reflect increased migration, new mobility patterns, or changing networks of interaction? Or how can we disentangle the effect of different developments that might have led to the culmination of the Neolithic sequence in European prehistory?

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 17-18-19-20-21/05/2017



INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: 40 € / Estudiante/Student/Studente 20 €



Wednesday 17th May 2017 Arrival

Registration/welcome/reception at Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte

Thursday 18th May 2017 Session I theme: “Think Global, Act Local!”

Conference dinner

Friday 19th May 2017 Excursion around Kiel

Session I or II

Saturday 20th May 2017 Session II: New Finds, Methods and Data

Practical workshop/poster session

Sunday 21st May 2017 Departur

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