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CALL. 26.02.2017: 6th Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology - Oxford (England)

The organisers of the sixth annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) wish to extend an invitation to all UK, European, and overseas students whose research relates to the field of Assyriology. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for students at the postgraduate and postdoctorate levels to present their research to a group of peers and to establish connections with colleagues. This two-day conference will be held at Wolfson College, Oxford from Friday morning, 21 April to Saturday evening, 22 April, 2017. The conference is pleased to announce that our invited senior talk will be given by Prof Walther Sallaberger (Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München).



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Parsa Daneshmand (Wolfson College, University of Oxford) ; Adam Howe (Wolfson College, University of Oxford) ; Monica Palmero-Fernandez (University of Reading) ; Lynn-Salammbo Zimmermann (Wolfson College, University of Oxford).

INFO: web - Facebook -


There is a conference fee of £20 that goes towards hospitality costs and allows us to continue awarding student grants for attendance. The fee is subsidised and the costs of the conference met by our generous financial supporters. Refreshments between sessions, lunch, and a Saturday evening wine reception are included. Our call for papers has a submission deadline of February 26th, 2017. Please email with your proposed paper title and a brief abstract (approximately 250 words). Successful papers are allotted 20 minutes followed by questions. For registration information and further details, please see our website: You can also get information and updates from Facebook ( or follow us on Twitter at @opcassyriology . OPCA is generously sponsored by the Lorne Thyssen Research Fund for Ancient World Topics at Wolfson College (University of Oxford), the Wolfson College Academic Committee, The British Institute for the Study of Iraq, and the London Centre for the Ancient Near East. BURSARY AWARDS: We will be awarding between two and three travel and accommodation bursaries for participants outside of the UK on a competitive basis. The awards will consist of a stipend of £125 and reimbursement for accommodation. In order to be considered for a bursary, you must email your CV and an abstract (approximately 250 words) of your paper in application to by February 17th, 2017. Bursaries will be chosen by an independent selection committee to include: Prof Mark Geller (Freie Universität, Berlin and UCL, London) Dr Kristin Kleber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Prof Susanne Paulus (University of Chicago).

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