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Generous Patrons, Loyal Clients,The question of evidence -01-02/09/2017, Praha (Czech Republic)

The study of patronage is a very important multi-layered issue closely related to the study of socio-economic and political structures of any community. An essential prerequisite of any type of study are relevant sources. Patronage is a relationship considered to be related to informal networks. This fact, as well as, the intimate nature of the bond, moral obligations between the two parties and its similarity to other dependency relations must necessarily reflect in the traces it leaves in sources. It is for this reason that we are organising a two-day workshop at the Czech Institute of Egyptology in Prague. We hope to provide scholars from various disciplines with the opportunity to engage with each other to discuss the typologies of sources coming from a wide range of societies and the types of traces which patronage leaves in them. Our main foci for this workshop will be discourse on these questions: What type of sources patron-client relations may be discerned in respective societies? What kind of evidence can be found within these sources?

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 01-02/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Martina Bardoňová and Věra Nováková (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University)




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