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Going up, going down: transgressions in Shamanism and in Ancient Cultures - 01-02-03/06/2017, Krakow

The idea of communication with the “other world” constitutes the core of religious phaenomena, rituals and believes. “The other world” in religious imagination is situated “out there”, in the other place, most often metaphorically expressed and represented as “somewhere up” or “somewhere down”.

Shamanism belongs to the most widespread terms within the domain of the history of religions. At the same time it has a long history of abuse and used to be overestimated by some scholars, evoking criticism by others who objected to the application of universal religious terminology outside of the “true” shamanism in its Siberian or American environment. This ‘shamanic controversy’ lasts since the first criticisms of fundamental Mircea Eliade’s work. Nevertheless shamanism or shamanic experience are by no means ‘dead’ categories, being successfully used by such influential scholars as David Lewis-Williams, Michael Winkelman or Roberta Hamayon.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the limits of a rightful usage of the results of research on ‘classic’ shamanism in other cultures, from ancient to modern times.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 01-02-03/06/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Krzysztof Bielawski ; Tomasz Sikora ; Andrzej Szyjewski ; Lech Trzcionkowski




1.06.2017 (Thursday) Hall im. Michała Bobrzyńskiego, Collegium Maius, 2nd floor, Jagiellońska 15 Street 10.00-10.15: Opening Address 10.15-11.15: Key-note lecture 1: Juha Pentikäinen: Shaman-ism and Shaman-hood, Cultural Mother Tongue of Ancient and Contemporary Cultures 11.15-11.30: Coffee Break 11.30-13.00 – Session 1: Jerzy Wasilewski, Shamanism: Tricks and Transcendence Andrzej Szyjewski, Aboriginal Clever-Men as Shamans in the Light of Working Proposal of Defining Shamanism 13.00-15.00: Lunch 15.00-16.00: Key-note lecture 2: Apostolos Athanassakis: Shamanism in Greece 16.00-19.00 Session 2: Antoni Ładziński, Κάθοδος and Ἕξοδος – their Interpretation and Understanding in Porphyry’s of Tyre De Antro Nympharum Andreea-Maria Lemnaru, Ecstatic techniques in Iamblichus's De Mysteriis: Possession Cult and Ancient «Greek Shamanism» in Neoplatonism? Coffee Break Olga Zolotnikova, Traces of Shamanistic Behaviour in Ancient Greek Rituals Related to Storm-Phenomena 2.06.2017 (Friday)

hall 56, Collegium Novum, 2nd floor, Gołębia 24 Street 10.00-11.00 Key-note lecture 3: Jan N. Bremer: Method and Madness in the Study of Greek ‘Shamanism’ 11.15-11.30: Coffee Break 11.30-13.00: Session 1: Andrzej Serafin, Platonic Psychagogy Jakub Zielina, Shamanic Themes in Myth of Dying-and-Rising God 13.00-15.00: Lunch 15.00-18.00: Session 2: Magda Bałajewicz, Shamanic Techniques of Ecstasy and its Influence on the American Jazz Music Community in the 1960s and 1970s Matylda, Ciołkosz, Going In, Going Out: Negotiating the Boundaries of Social Order in Modern Postural Yoga Practice Discussion and Final Remarks

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