CALL. 01.02.2017: Oceans and shores. Heritage, people and environments. CHAM International Conferenc

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: FCSH ; Universidade NOVAde Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alice Santiago Faria ; Ana Catarina Garcia ; Antonieta Reis Leite ; Cristina Brito ; Francisco Zamora Rodríguez ; José Bettencourt ; Nunziatella Alessandrini ; Roberta Stumpf
The Call for Papers and posters is now open and closes on 1st February.
Before you propose a paper/poster, please read the congress concept, the rules below, and then browse the list of panels on the website.
Proposals must consist of
a paper/poster title
the name/s and email address/es of author/s
a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
a long abstract of fewer than 250 words
Delegates may only convene one panel, although they may also make one presentation, be a discussant in one panel, and/or present a poster.
All proposals must be made via online form (not email). Go to the panel page you are interested in. Click on the 'propose a paper' link beneath the long abstract, to make your proposal direct to that panel.
On submission of the proposal, the proposing author (but not the co-authors) will receive an automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the Login environment - Cocoa (see toolbar above right) to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; if it is not, you will need to re-submit, as for some reason the process was not completed. Subsequent communication will be with all authors of a paper.
Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for papers/posters. Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by mid-March and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up within the login environment (Cocoa). Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer', will then be considered by the Scientific Committee to see where else they might fit in the conference programme. There is no guarantee that such papers can be re-housed. We aim to resolve all transfers by end February.
While we cannot prevent you from making multiple proposals, we would encourage colleagues to make just one. The 'transfer process' aims to ensure that good papers will have a chance to be presented even if the panel to which they were initially proposed has no space.
Panels proposed (to propose a paper go to the list of panels in the website and click on the one you are interested)
P01 Riding the waves: politics, memories and sense making in contemporary maritime cultures
P02 L'Italia fuori d'Italia' revisited: Italian merchant diaspora(s) after the Renaissance
P03 A donde Neptuno reina: water and gods in the iconography of power during the Modern Era (XVI-XVIII)
P04 Practices of defiance: resisting colonial maritime power
P05 Going with the flow: oceans, animals and ideas on the move
P06 The primeval oceans and the architecture of memory: the evocation of ancient cosmogonies, voyages, and imaginaries
P07 The appraising eye: skilled vision, professionalization, and the sensory history of the coast
P08 Rivers and shores: 'fluviality' and the occupation of colonial Amazonia
P09 The imperial/colonial policies on tobacco and its connection with the design of the Atlantic space
P10 Migratory movements towards oceanic port-cities, 1400-1700
P11 The ocean and its stories
P12 Disasters in coastal and maritime environments: problems and challenges
P13 To each seaport its 'sertão': processes of cultural and social construction of hinterland spaces throughout the Lusophone Atlantic (19-20th centuries)
P14 Archipelagos, islands and shores: history of land use and urban planning in the fifteen and sixteen century Atlantic world
P15 Pensacola, Florida: 450 years as a coastal frontier
P16 Accounts on shipwrecks of XVI and XVII centuries: for their characteristics analyzed by multifaceted views
P17 The sea in contemporary international relations: foreign policy, geopolitics, and the national interest
P18 Coastal cultural heritage: assets, risks, opportunities
P19 Coastal communities and climate change governance: knowledge, identities and narratives across public and legal spheres
P20 The ocean's cultural heritage: research and networking for the development of a UNESCO Chair
P21 Historical uses of the ocean and shores: natural resources and patterns of exploitation
P22 The ocean in the Middle Ages: practices, imaginary and representations
P23 The eye of the beholder: historical and ethnohistorical data in the study of past maritime communities
P24 Building cultures in Portuguese coastal cities (15th to early 20th centuries): knowledge, forms, people, materials, rules and techniques
P25 Sea-Ports and Trade Networks in Maritime Asia (1500-1800)
P26 Old Goa: the city/port as a place of encounter and cross-cultural exchanges, shaping identities, urban spaces and built-up heritage
P27 Port cities, shipwrecks and maritime cultural landscapes.
P28 Poster session