Oceans and shores. Heritage, people and environments. CHAM International Conference - 12-13-14-15/06

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 12-13-14-15/06/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: FCSH ; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alice Santiago Faria ; Ana Catarina Garcia ; Antonieta Reis Leite ; Cristina Brito ; Francisco Zamora Rodríguez ; José Bettencourt ; Nunziatella Alessandrini ; Roberta Stumpf
No miembro, no estudiante / Full non-member, non-student rate / non socio, non studenti: €180 Socio CHAM / CHAM member / CHAM socio: €140 Estudiante / Student / studenti: €120
P01 Riding the waves: politics, memories and sense making in contemporary maritime cultures
P02 L'Italia fuori d'Italia' revisited: Italian merchant diaspora(s) after the Renaissance
P03 A donde Neptuno reina: water and gods in the iconography of power during the Modern Era (XVI-XVIII)
P04 Practices of defiance: resisting colonial maritime power
P05 Going with the flow: oceans, animals and ideas on the move
P06 The primeval oceans and the architecture of memory: the evocation of ancient cosmogonies, voyages, and imaginaries
P07 The appraising eye: skilled vision, professionalization, and the sensory history of the coast
P08 Rivers and shores: 'fluviality' and the occupation of colonial Amazonia
P09 The imperial/colonial policies on tobacco and its connection with the design of the Atlantic space
P10 Migratory movements towards oceanic port-cities, 1400-1700
P11 The ocean and its stories
P12 Disasters in coastal and maritime environments: problems and challenges
P13 To each seaport its 'sertão': processes of cultural and social construction of hinterland spaces throughout the Lusophone Atlantic (19-20th centuries)
P14 Archipelagos, islands and shores: history of land use and urban planning in the fifteen and sixteen century Atlantic world
P15 Pensacola, Florida: 450 years as a coastal frontier
P16 Accounts on shipwrecks of XVI and XVII centuries: for their characteristics analyzed by multifaceted views
P17 The sea in contemporary international relations: foreign policy, geopolitics, and the national interest
P18 Coastal cultural heritage: assets, risks, opportunities
P19 Coastal communities and climate change governance: knowledge, identities and narratives across public and legal spheres
P20 The ocean's cultural heritage: research and networking for the development of a UNESCO Chair
P21 Historical uses of the ocean and shores: natural resources and patterns of exploitation
P22 The ocean in the Middle Ages: practices, imaginary and representations
P23 The eye of the beholder: historical and ethnohistorical data in the study of past maritime communities
P24 Building cultures in Portuguese coastal cities (15th to early 20th centuries): knowledge, forms, people, materials, rules and techniques
P25 Sea-Ports and Trade Networks in Maritime Asia (1500-1800)
P26 Old Goa: the city/port as a place of encounter and cross-cultural exchanges, shaping identities, urban spaces and built-up heritage
P27 Port cities, shipwrecks and maritime cultural landscapes.
P28 Poster session