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Warring Mortals and Squabbling Gods: Conflict in the Ancient Near East - 26/05/2017, Birmingham (Eng

The Birmingham Assyriology committee invites you to attend the third annual Birmingham Assyriology Symposium, hosted by the University of Birmingham on the 26th of May. The symposium is an all-day event, where visiting academics and postgraduate researchers will present their exciting new research papers in a conference format. Registration is free, and full refreshments will be provided on the day.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26/05/2017




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10:30 - Registration 11:00 - Introductory Remarks PANEL #1 11:05 – Guy Kirkham-Smith. Šipra ša aqabbûku šuṣṣir atta: (Il)locutionary acts in Babylonian Mythological Narrative. 11:30 – Igor Novokreshchenov. “The Mountain of the Holy Divine Powers”: the Land of Aratta as Mythic Adversary of Sumerian Epics. 11:55 – Birgit Haskamp. We Must Give a Thought to the Necromancer: Some Remarks on “The Underworld Vision of an Assyrian Prince.” 12:20 – Michal Čermák. The Two Powers are at Peace: Legitimacy and Power in the Contending’s of Horus and Seth. 12:45 – Lunch PANEL #2 13:45 – Ben Dewar. One Campaign or Two? Conflicting Accounts of Ashurnasirpal II’s Campaign to the Mediterranean Coast. 14:10 – Melissa Benson. Darius’ Delegation Strategy and Achaemenid Persian Mutilation Practice. 14:35 – Kate Kelley. A link between worlds: Women and children on the Mesopotamian-Iranian borderlands during the late fourth millennium BCE. 15:00 – Coffee & tea break PANEL #3 15:20 – Selena Wisnom. Reading the signs: the liver as a manuscript in ancient Mesopotamia. 15:45 – Kerrie Myers. Blood in the Neo-Assyrian Induction of the Cult Statue. 16:10 – Frank Simons. “I hold my curved sticks”: A New Interpretation of Šurpu 9. KEYNOTE 16:35 – Dr. Alasdair Livingstone. The Cat is Taboo to the Heaven Disk: A New Mystical Explanatory Text. 17:00 – Wine Reception

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