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CALL. 01.03.2017: [PANEL 15 at ASOR 2017] Meeting the Expenses: ANE Economies - Boston, MA (USA)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Raz Kletter (Centre of Excellence CSTT, University of Helsinki) ; Lorenz Rahmstorf (SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen).

INFO: web -


We are seeking participants for the session "Meeting the Expenses: ANE Economies" of the American School of Oriental Research Annual Meeting at Boston MA, November 15-18, 2017. We would welcome papers on ANE economies that move beyond the dichotomy of "ancient" versus "modern" economy. For the 2017 session we will especially focus on weights and hoards. We are interested in papers on hoards and systems of measures - how to identify ancient measures and systems of measures, especially weights; hoards/wealth deposits/structured deposits: the assemblages, their potential nexus to regulation by weight, their archaeological context and interpretation in the ANE, but also in the East and Central Mediterranean and South Asia; references to hoards and wealth deposits in written records; interrelations of systems between cultures; what commodities are measured; the precision of measuring. We are interested in both archaeological and written aspects. Interested lecturers should submit a title and abstract (max. 250 words). Please note that the deadline for submission is March 1, 2017. In order to present a paper in this international event one must be a current professional member of ASOR (<>) and register for the Annual Meeting when submitting your abstract (<>). Please submit your abstract directly to ASOR’s Online Abstract Management and send us a copy <> . Please send any questions and inquiries to Raz Kletter ( and Lorenz Rahmstorf ( ).

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