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Classics Day 2017: "Culture, Trade and Conflict: The Exchange of Ideas in the Ancient World&quo

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25/02/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: City Lit; The British Museum; The University College London

INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Aqui/here/qui or in 020 7831 7831.

-Fee/cuota/tassa: 49£

-Seniors and members of the British Museum: 29£

-Concessions: 15£


10.30: Welcome and introduction

10.35-11.30: The Elizabeth Teller lecture: "The loveliest thing in the world carried over the hazy sea" - Michael Duigan, City Lit The Greek acquisition of precious goods involved battles against the elements, conflicts with hostile peoples and struggle with intractable materials from which they were made. This experience shaped their understanding of the nature, function and even the making of valuable artefacts. These ideas were articulated in myth.

11.30-12.00: Refreshment provided in the Foyer

12.00-13.00: Naukratis: the junction of culture and trade in Ptolemaic Egypt - Alexandra Villing, British Museum Description to follow soon.

13.00-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.00: Letters, education and language - Gesine Manuwald, UCL Description to follow soon.

15.00-15.30: Refreshment provided in the Foyer

15.30-16.30: Rome and the East: exploration and trade - Andrew David, City Lit This talk will explore contact both over-land and by sea between the Greco-Roman World and India and Central Asia, at the height of Roman rule in the West and the Chinese Han Dynasty in the East (c. 4th Century BC to c. 3rd Century AD).

The speakers

Michael Duigan teaches Classical and Ancient History at City Lit. For many years he lectured in the Certificate/Diploma in History of Art course at Birkbeck. He delivered a course in the ‘Classical Tradition’ at St Mary’s University and on the ‘Classical Artist’ at the Courtauld Institute. He also teaches a Summer School on Ancient Art in Oxford University. Michael acts as a tour guide to archaeological sites and museum collections. He is presently completing his thesis on how the Greeks understood the activity of art making.

Alexandra Villing is curator in the Greek and Roman Department of the British Museum.

Gesine Manuwald is Professor of Latin and Head of Department in the Department of Greek and Latin at University College London (UCL). Her research interests include Roman epic, Roman drama, Roman oratory and the reception of classical antiquity, especially in Latin literature of the Renaissance; she has published widely on all those areas.

Andrew David is a Tutor in Classics at City Lit, and presents workshops on Ancient Greek and Egyptian Life for the British Museum.

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