CALL. 21.02.2017: [PANEL 6 at EABS-ISBL] Fan Fiction and Ancient Scribal Cultures - Berlin (Germany)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Society for Biblical Literature International Meeting/ European Association of Biblical Studies (Berlin, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Frauke Uhlenbruch (EABS) ; Sonja Ammann (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) ; Mette Bundvad (University of Copenhagen).
INFO: call -
This research group uses fan fiction as an interpretative model to study ancient texts, especially biblical and parabiblical texts from the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the pseudepigrapha, the New Testament, the Christian apocrypha, and Rabbinic literature. At the 2017 EABS/ISBL meeting in Berlin, we invite papers that investigate how writers of derivative works perpetuate the authority of the canonical material - or subvert it. By re-writing authoritative texts, writers of re-written Bible, midrash, or fan fiction take a degree of power over the canonical material. In contemporary contexts, producers of "canonical material" (e.g., a TV series) show a range of different reactions towards fan works, some of them even embracing collaborative authorship with the fans. We welcome papers about the complex power dynamics in the interplay between fan fiction and canonical material. Papers may investigate the processes of reception and rewriting in an ancient context or focus on modern case studies. We would like presenters to focus on concrete text examples and case studies. We encourage participants to make their contributions in an interdisciplinary environment and to engage with canonical and fan material from a variety of cultures. Paper proposals should be submitted online through the SBL website here: The deadline for submission is February 21, 2017. For further information, please contact Frauke Uhlenbruch (, Sonja Ammann ( or Mette Bundvad (