CALL. 22.02.2017: [PANEL 5 at EABS-ISBL] The History of Biblical Scholarship in the Late Modern Per

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Society for Biblical Literature International Meeting/ European Association of Biblical Studies (Berlin, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Shani Tzoref (University of Potsdam) ; Paul Michael Kurtz, (University of Göttingen // Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural & Social Studies, Erfurt)
INFO: call -
General session
This Consultation provides a forum for critical inquiry into the history of biblical scholarship in the late modern period. It encourages analytical investigation of biblical scholarship in the 19th and 20th centuries within the framework of knowledge production, the history of the humanities, institutional history, and cultural history. Socio-biographical examinations, evaluations of textual readings, and assessments of scholarly trends provide empirical data for critical analysis. Given the interest of biblical scholars in the history of the discipline, in light of the necessity for sustained reflection on the epistemological apparatuses and methodological proceedings undergirding it, and in view of the increased attention granted to the history of the human sciences more broadly, it supports a thorough historicization of research into the biblical literature. Themed session: Jewish biblical scholarship in Berlin
In the 19th and 20th centuries, Berlin was a hub not only for a transnational but also for the German-speaking network of Jewish scholars of biblical history and literature. Apart from academic debates related to the Hebrew Bible (which themselves were not disconnected from Protestant ones in particular), several generations of Jewish scholars discussed, inter alia, the very enterprise of Jewish biblical scholarship: from its relationship to theology and ultimate purpose through its proper institutional setting to its contribution to Jewish life more broadly. Given the ISBL host city for 2017 as well as the recent revival of Jewish biblical scholarship in Berlin – with formal representation through such institutions as Geiger College, the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam, the Moses Mendelssohn Center, and the Berlin–Brandenberg Center for Jewish Studies – this themed session concentrates on the significant figures, works, and controversies that shaped Jewish scholarship especially in Berlin from the 19th century up until the Shoah. By encouraging an accent on subjects of debate and diversity of views, this session aims to uncover depth and richness of this tradition. Please submit abstracts to the organizers by 22 Feb 2017