PONTES IX: Classical Heroism in the Modern Age: Ideas, Practices, Media -21-22-23/09/2017, Freiburg

Classical antiquity is the fountainhead of much of our Western ideas of heroism. Starting from religious Greek hero cult, elements of the heroic manifested itself in myth, literature, war politics, and a number of other domains. The influence of these ideas on later concepts of heroism is obvious until the end of the early modern period. With the rise of industrialized societies since the 19th century, however, the reception of ancient heroism becomes more obscure, and postmodernist currents have questioned the very idea of heroism in many ways. Nonetheless, the concept of heroism keeps informing our perception of and desire for extraordinary persons and actions. For the period from ca. 1800 to our own day, the role of classical patterns in these processes often remains to be uncovered – witness D. Voss’ recent contribution on „Heldenkonstruktionen“ (KulturPoetik 11, 2011, 181-202), in which the author describes a number of differences between ancient and modern heroism but remains silent about reception. Readers are left with the impression that there is a gaping divide between modern day heroism and antiquity. True to its name, the PONTES conference will attempt to build bridges of reception across that divide.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22-23/09/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Classics Library of the Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie of Freiburg University, Freiburg (Germany)
INFO: stefan.tilg@altphil.uni-freiburg.de