CALL. 15.03.2017 [PANEL 1 at EAA Maastricht 2017] Archaeological evidence for advertising, promotion

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: MECC Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Main organizer: Anna Beata Miączewska (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej). Coorganizers: Andrea Angius( Università Roma Tre) ; Edoardo Bedin (Independent researcher)
INFO: web -
The purpose of this session is to provide a wide spectrum of opinions exploring i.e. ancient methods for disseminating knowledge about specific events and places and/or communicating the superiority of one product over another. Due to the fact that advertising is considered as purely modern concept (associated these days with mass media and fast exchange of information), it is the aim of this session to challenge this incorrect view and answer questions on: 1) how advertising was developing in the remote past; 2) who was primarily involved in the process of advertising and promotions; 3) how and why advertising and promoting were substantial elements of every local trading systems; 4) whether it is possible to consider that the practises which are nowadays defined as marketing were also successfully functioning in antiquity.
We invite to our session specialists in archaeology and history whose field experience, case studies and scholarly examinations brought to light material and artefacts which could be recognised as expressions of the abovementioned processes. It is our intention not to limit the session to specific geographical region or narrow time-frames (speakers working on projects other than antiquity are very welcome to apply), but to allow professionals in the areas of i.e. iconography, epigraphy, ceramics, trade, economy, etc. to present various perspectives on advertising, its operating, functions and practicality in the remote past. Session, made up of a combination of papers, max. 15 minutes each.
Submit your contribution here . Please note that eventually all participants have to be current (paid-up for 2017) EAA members. Please note that registration for EAA Maastricht 2017 is separate from EAA membership application/renewal, and you have to complete both in order to attend the conference.