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CALL. 01.03.2017: Enchantments, Disenchantments, Re-enchantments: Religion, State, and Society throu

The Center for Religious Studies at the Central European University cordially invites applications to its First Doctoral Conference in Religious Studies entitled:Enchantments, Disenchantments, Re-enchantments: Religion, State, and Society through History (June 29th-July 1st 2017) Keynote address by Guy Stroumsa (Hebrew University).

FECHA LÍMITE/DEADLINE/SCADENZA: 01/03/2017 [deadline extended]


ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Nikola Pantić; Martin Pjecha; Vilius Kubekas; Esther Holbrook; Center for Religious Studies; Central European University.

INFO: PDF - web - facebook -


Since the emergence of the first historical states, the divine has been used to either empower and justify political authority and social stratification, or as an antithesis that could question the spheres of power. In its interplay with various groups pertinent both to state and non-state levels, religion has influenced societies throughout all periods of human history. The dialogue between the religious and political spheres found (and still finds) its way into all layers of social interaction. Emperor-gods, sacred kings, priests, and sages struggled for authority and legitimacy. Officials, subjects, and disciples operated between reason and revelation, appropriating, re-creating and exchanging the products of these two vast spheres. Established clerics, monks, and intellectuals found their positions challenged by the prophets, shamans, and witch-doctors who spun intricate embroideries across human societies. With varying degrees of success, religious counter-powers struggled for legitimacy and even authority from positions of ambiguity or marginality. This enchantment of the world, allegedly shattered by the advent of a re-invented rationality and a modern, enlightened, secular progress, nevertheless pervades the public and private spheres. It even penetrates them in new ways, re-inventing models of political, intellectual, and social life. Between secularism on one hand, and the disenchantment with secularism and a re-created model of sacral governance on the other, there lies a rich pool of experiences that is highly relevant for various fields of research today.

The Center for Religious Studies welcomes applications from all fields of humanities and social sciences including:

• Anthropology • Economy • History • Law • Philology • Philosophy • Political sciences • Psychology • Sociology

and many other fields and their sub-disciplines.

The Center will receive applications focusing on all aspects of the interplay between religions, states, and societies in all regions and historical periods.

Abstracts, no longer than 300 words, should be sent to by March 1, 2017. Applicants will receive the final decision no later than March 16 2017.

Accepted participants will have the possibility to choose to register their participation through:

• Basic Registration Fee: 40 EUR, which includes receptions after keynote lectures and refreshments during the conference presentations.

• Advanced Registration Fee: 125 EUR, which includes catering, a three-day public transportation pass and a three-night accommodation in the CEU Residence Center (more information is available at

For further information, please address Nikola Pantić, Martin Pjecha, Vilius Kubekas and Esther Holbrook at

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