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Women’s Classical Committee UK 2017 Annual General Meeting: Diversity in Classics - 20/04/2017, Oxfo

The Annual General Meeting seeks to highlight current feminist and gender-informed research in classical studies, and to discuss issues facing women in Classics. Through a series of talks and discussions we will address the question of diversity in Classics, present new research, and report back on the activities of the WCC UK during its first year.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20/04/2017


INFO: web -


You may register as an in-person participant for the whole day, the morning only or the afternoon only. You may also register as an online participant who will take part in the discussions live through Twitter. In-person spaces are limited, so please sign up as soon as possible if you wish to attend. Registration as an online participant will be open up to the event itself. (In-person registration is free for paid-up members of the WCC UK, who have received instructions on how to access this ticket type over e-mail.) We are also reserving time during the day’s schedule for a series of short (five-minute) spotlight talks by delegates. Through this session, we hope to provide a chance for delegates to share projects, experiences or research connected to the WCC’s aims. We are particularly interested in talks that address the AGM’s theme of diversity in Classics; that highlight new, feminist, intersectional and gender-informed work in Classics, ancient history, classical reception or pedagogy (inside and outside the university sector); and that feature new work by postgraduate students and early-career researchers. If you would like more information or to volunteer to give one of these talks, please e-mail Carol Atack (carol.atack at The deadline for expressing interest is 5pm on Friday 10th March. We are offering a limited number of £20 travel bursaries for attendees who are students or on low incomes. Please see the Eventbrite page for details of how to apply for these.


10.00am – Arrival/coffee 10.15 – Welcome and WCC report – Dr Elena Theodorakopoulos (University of Birmingham). 10.30 – Panel session: diversity in Classics Speakers: Prof Helen Lovatt, University of Nottingham, Latin literature; Dr Rachel Mairs, University of Reading, papyrology; Dr Ellie Mackin, University of Leicester, ancient history 11.45 – Spotlight talks I: three short talks on current research relevant to the AGM’s theme. Speakers to be confirmed. 12.15 – Keynote speaker: Professor Dame Averil Cameron

12.45 – Lunch 13.45 – Dr Anna Bull, 1752 Group (University of Portsmouth), followed by discussion. 14.15 – Discussion sessions – a variety of break-out panels to choose from. Please sign up at registration. The groups will be facilitated by WCC committee members and liaisons. 14.45 – Feedback 15.15 – Spotlight talks II: three short talks on current research relevant to the AGM’s theme. Speakers to be confirmed. 15.35 – Keynote speaker: Dr Jo Quinn (University of Oxford) 16.30 – Official business meeting of the Women’s Classical Committee and tea 17.30 – Close

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