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Commentary Writing Workshop - 02/03/2017, St. Andrews (Scotland)

A workshop for students and academic staff currently writing commentaries, with commentary writing experience or contemplating writing a commentary.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02/03/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Jo Norton-Curry (PhD student, University of St.Andrews); Roger Rees (University of St.Andrews)

INFO: web -


-Evening meal: Delegates are welcome to attend the evening meal at the Vine Leaf restaurant, at their own expense. (£25 for 2 courses, £30 for 3 courses, payable on the night). Please email to book


10.00-10.25 Coffee and registration

10.25-10.30 Welcome (Jo Norton-Curry)

10.30-10.50 TLL and BTL databases (Roger Rees)

10.50-11.20 Roger Rees: A speech of praise addressed to Theodosius in 389CE

11.20-11.50 Giulia Sagliardi: Claudian’s Bellum Geticum

11.50-12.20 Ianto Jocks: Scribonius Largus’ Compositiones medicamentorum

12.20-13.20 Lunch

13.20-13.40 Writing a commentary for publication (John Morgan)

13.40-14.10 John Morgan: Heliodorus’ Aethiopica

14.10-14.40 Jo Norton-Curry: Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Cleitophon

14.40-15.10 Francesco Grillo: Hero of Alexander’s Peri Automatopoietikes

15.10-15.40 Coffee break

15.40-16.00 Text editing tools (Beppe Pezzini)

16.00-16.15 Writing a commentary on a fragmentary text (Costas Panayotakis)

16.15-16.45 Costas Panayotakis: Fragments of Roman drama

16.45-17.15 General discussion and closing remarks (led by Roger Rees)

18.30 Evening meal and drinks

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