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Law and deliberation in Athenian philosophy and oratory - 24-25/03/2017, St Andrews (Scotland)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24-25/03/2017


INFO: web - ;


Asistentes/attendees/pubblico (inscripción/event registration/ registrazione + té/tea/tè + café/ coffee/caffè + comida y cena de 2 platos/ lunch and 2 course evening meal/cibo e cena 2 piatti, 24/03/2017): £19.00

Asistentes /attendees/pubblico (inscripción/event registration/ registrazione + té/tea/tè + café/ coffee/caffè + comida y cena de 3 platos/ lunch and 3 course evening meal/cibo e cena 3 piatti, 24/03/2017): £22.00


Friday 24 March

2.30pm Jon Hesk, St Andrews ‘Models of reasoning, deliberation and decision in Athenian oratory’

3.40pm coffee/tea break

4:00pm Roger Brock, Leeds ‘Hoi nomoi keleuousi: law(s) as agent(s) in fourth-century rhetoric and philosophy’

5.10pm short break

5.20pm Marcus Folch, Columbia ‘Plato on women, law, and performance in the Republic and Laws’

Saturday 25 March

9am Hannah Willey, Cambridge 'Plato on law and its alternatives'

10.10am short break

10:20am Richard Stalley, Glasgow 'Plato on the natural correctness of laws'

11.30am coffee/tea break

11.50am Mirko Canevaro, Edinburgh

‘Aristotle on judges and arbitrators: philosophy and the administration of justice in the Greek poleis’

1pm lunch

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