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Save the Date: Problems of Chronology in Gandharan Art - 23-24/03/2017, Oxford (England)

This first Gandhara Connections international workshop, generously supported by the Bagri Foundation, will take place in Oxford. The Gandhara Connections project identifies chronology and dating as one of the key problems outstanding in the study of Gandharan art. Chronology is not only fundamental for establishing the nature of Gandharan art's connections with the traditions of Greece and Rome, but also for any other systematic attempt to put it in context or explain its development. By pooling the most recent knowledge and critical thinking across the disciplines of archaeology, art and architectural history, epigraphy, linguistic studies and numismatics, there is the potential to move the debate forward decisively. The aim of this first international workshop in the Gandhara Connections project is to facilitate such an exchange of ideas and information. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in an open access, online book and we aim to make a recording of the event itself available online.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-24/03/2017


INFO: web


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Thursday 23rd March, 2017

10:15 Welcome and Introduction Dr Peter Stewart (Director, Classical Art Research Centre)

10:30 Joe Cribb (formerly Keeper of Coins and Medals, British Museum) Numismatic Evidence and the Date of Kanishka (title t.b.c.)

11:30 Break - coffee and tea

12:00 Prof Monika Zin (Saxon Academy of Sciences, Leipzig) Buddhist Art’s Late Bloomer: The Genius and Influence of Gandhara

13:00 Lunch (provided for speakers only) 1400 Dr Abdul Samad (Director of Archaeology & Museums, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) Recent Archaeological Excavations and their Relevance to Chronology (title t.b.c.)

15:00 Dr Anna Filigenzi (L'Orientale, Naples) & Dr Luca Olivieri (Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan) On Gandharan Sculptural Production from Swat: Recent Archaeological and Chronological data (in absentia, read by Peter Stewart)

16:00 Tea/coffee break

16:30 Dr Stefan Baums (LMU, Munich) How Can We Use Inscriptions to Help us Date Gandhāran Art?

17:30 Concluding comments; reception; dinner for speakers.

Friday 24th March, 2017

09:30 Wannaporn Rienjang (Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford) On the Chronology of Stupa Relic Practice in Afghanistan & Dharmarajika, Pakistan, and its Implications for the rise of Popularity of Image Cult

10:30 Break - coffee and tea

11:00 Prof Juhyung Rhi (Seoul National University) Positioning Gandharan Buddhas in Chronology: Significant Coordinates and Anomalies

12:00 Robert Bracey (British Museum) Is it Appropriate to Ask a Celestial Lady's Age?

13:00 Lunch (provided for speakers only); meeting of Advisory Committee for the Gandhara Connections project 14:00 Prof Ciro Lo Muzio (La Sapienza, Rome) Title to be announced

15:00 Tea/coffee break

15:30 Dr Kurt Behrendt (The Metropolitan Museum of Art) Late Gandharan Chronology: The 3rd to 6th Century Period

16:30 Concluding discussion

NB at 18:00 Prof Harald Hauptmann will deliver a keynote lecture entitled 'Between the Silk Roads and Gandhara – Archaeology along the Upper Indus in Northern Pakistan', as part of the Oxford China Centre's conference Culture Contacts in Ancient Worlds: Theories and Case Studies. To attend please contact our colleague Dr Anke Hein (

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