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VIII Congresso AISU: La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e trasformazione - 07-

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 07-08-09/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana; l’Università di Napoli Federico II ; la Seconda Università di Napoli; l’Università Suor Orsola Benincasa; l’Università di Napoli L’Orientale.

INFO: web -


Participants can register for the conference using the online form and paying the amounts as per the instructions below. The registration fee includes participation in the social program. The AISU members who paid the membership fee in the latest two consecutive years 2016 and 2017, and the 2017 new members (first memberships), will benefit from a reduced membership fee. There will be a subsidized fee Conference registration those who register by paying by June 26th 2017

Before June 26th 2017

€ 90 MEMBERS* Senior

€ 50 MEMBERS* Junior**

€ 230 non MEMBERS Senior

€ 150 non MEMBERS Junior**

From June 27th 2017 until September 6th 2017

€ 200 MEMBERS* Senior

€ 150 MEMBERS* Junior**

€ 280 non MEMBERS Senior

€ 220 non MEMBERS Junior**

The first day of the Congress

€ 300 MEMBERS* Senior

€ 200 MEMBERS* Junior**

€ 350 non MEMBERS Senior

€ 300 non MEMBERS Junior**

* MEMBERS: those who have paid the membership fee for at least 2 consecutive years in 2016 and 2017 or 2017 first time memberships.

** Junior: under 35 or those who are without an ongoing income.

*** The payment of the fee at the conference will take place in distinct form inclusion all'AISU.

When enrolling in completing this form, participants will already be in compliance with the payment of dues for 2016 and 2017 if they want to benefit from the preferential rate. If abnormal otherwise they have to be paid on arrival in Naples due to the difference calculated with respect to the most expensive shares effected in the first day of Congress. The link for registration will run from March 1st 2017.


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