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CALL. 15.04.2017: Reading the Gospel of Mark in the Twenty-first century: method and theory - Leuven



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:Dr. Geert Van Oyen (President of the Colloquium) ; Dr. Reimund Bieringer (Secretary of the Colloquium)

INFO: web -


After the Colloquia on Luke and Acts (1998), on the Sayings source Q (2000), on the death of Jesus in John (2005) and on the Gospel of Matthew (2009), time has come to organize again a Meeting on the Gospel of Mark. In the decades after the 1971 Colloquium on the Gospel of Mark which focused on Tradition and Redaction, scholarship has witnessed a proliferation of approaches. Alongside historical-critical methods narrative criticism and other readings have found a place in scholarship (feminist reading, reader-response criticism, rhetorical analysis, post-colonial interpretations, performance criticism, reception history, social-scientific studies, Gospel and art). This wide range of methods calls for a fresh state of the art of research on Mark. The Colloquium raises the question of how these different approaches contribute to the ongoing search for the meaning of the second Gospel. New questions arise at the horizon or existing questions are presented in a new way. How can diachronic historical studies be integrated within synchronic readings? What is the relationship between history and story? What are the dominant currents in Markan scholarship, and are they connected to each other? The general issue of the relationship between meaning and method leads to more specific research topics. We think, for instance, of the role of the real reader in interpretation, the choice of a specific hermeneutical model, the integration of different disciplines, the function of inner- and intertextual references, the interrelationships of the canonical Gospels or the challenge how to disseminate scholarly information.

Through keynote lectures and short papers as well as in seminars and panel discussions these theoretical questions will be applied to specific passages of the Gospel such as the prologue, the empty tomb story, Peter’s confession, the crossing of the lake, the Passion Narrative, the eschatological discourse, the miracle stories and parables, the injunctions to silence.

The Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense is an annual international conference on Biblical Studies jointly organised by the theological faculties of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Université Catholique de Louvain. The meetings take place in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven and are alternately dedicated to a topic in Old and in New Testament Studies.

The Colloquium offers a forum and meeting place for research and scholarly discussion in the field of Biblical Studies. As a rule the annual conference focuses on a biblical book or a collection of writings, but it also addresses thematic subjects.

Programme design
  • 10 main papers by invited speakers; languages: French, German or English

  • 4 seminars conducted by invited speakers; languages: Dutch, French, German and English

  • about 20 short papers, selected from proposals by participants

Participants who would like to read a short paper are requested to contact the president of the Colloquium:

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